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Author Topic: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?  (Read 2818 times)


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ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« on: February 02, 2006, 10:44:58 PM »
B-Day is a month away and as always what makes a better birthday present than a bowling ball.

Anyway I was just wondering if I could get some honest opinions from those of you who have a ZR40 how they think it would fit in with my Pure Energy and my polished High Energy.  (I didn't polish it  got it from someone else who did)
From the video it seems to be quite a strong ball, but everything else I've seen seems to tout it as kind of a good all around medium conditions control ball.

Currently my Pure Energy is great for Heavy stuff and my High Energy is great for the second or 3rd game... pretty much as there some dry boards to get to.
I am looking at getting something along the lines of a Crisis Pearl or a Barrage.

So I guess I'm asking what other ball or balls should I get to compliment my Pure and High Energy to round out a modest arsenal. (city tournament is just a week away)

Sorry for the long winded post ~

Pin Daddy

Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?



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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 02:47:28 PM »
Its OK to make a ball that just performs well, right?

I sure hope my mind it's better to have a ball that you know what it is going to do every time than a hook monster that you hope hits the pocket.

Second question.

Supposing a person was to have at their disposal an AU79 that just happened to be a Blem with a ridiculously long pin out that wound up being drilled such that the core was inverted... if surface grit/polish were to be made the same as a ZR40, how close would it be to a ZR40?

Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2006, 03:57:44 PM »


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2006, 04:02:41 PM »
I love control pearls... So a standard stacked leverage drill should go a little longer than a High Energy w/stacked leverage drill? Recover more or less?

I'd like to publically say thanks to both of "The Guys" for D/T's continued support of Team Air Force again this year!  Very cool!
Capt Dave Ingraham
2004/2006 All Air Force

"Don't move Dave... the lanes will come to you." - Chris Kidd

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2006, 04:26:36 PM »
and to team,..retired Air Force,..


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2006, 04:31:03 PM »
My head hurts! quote]

That one made me laugh...gotta love it.

You "guys" just want me to buy a new ball don't you?

No I understand the covers are different, just wondered if they'd be fairly similar.

Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2006, 10:30:26 PM »
yes they are except for the cover stock, the core placement, the densities and the performance and the motion on the lane. Other than that they are exactly the same, oh I forgot the  color is different.

Edited on 2/4/2006 11:17 PM


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2006, 10:40:16 PM »
yes they are except for the cover stock, the core placement, the densities and the performance and the motion on the lane. Other than that they are exactly the same, oh I forgot the  color is different.

Boy do I feel sheepish....

Somehow I don't think he is going to give me a job.

Anyway I think I've narrowed it down to either the ZR40 or the original Energy.

Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2006, 10:44:04 PM »
go with zr40 pin up drilling you will like it or i will buy your used ball. If you use 15 lb 's that is


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2006, 11:01:38 PM »
yep I do use 15's...

Have my Polished High Energy drilled up with about a 4.5" span, pin right under ring CG 2.5" below and a little out to the right, and a small weight hole on the Verticle Axis right above thumbhole.

I would need the Zr40 to fit right below the high energy for later games.

suggested drillings and/or cover prep?

Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2006, 02:05:28 AM »
The ZR40's weight block is symmetrical not assymetrical so no worries there

A good driller should be able to analyze your release and make the ball work as well as possible for you.

As far as an inverted core goes in regard to drilling it doesn't mean anything special or that there needs to be any extra work done.  Basically DynoThane took a core that they have had in the Element and Element AU79 and put it in a ball with the opposite end being the pin.

If you have an inconsistent release the ball's breakpoint is going to be inconsistent, particularly if you are throwing an assymetrical ball.  Newer resin balls are also more prone to magnify these inconsistencies than urethane as they are much more aggressive.

Bottom Line - ZR40 is touted as a control ball and has a symmetrical core...should be a good choice for you as long as the driller does in fact know what they are doing and take into account your unique bowling style.

Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?


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Re: ZR40 - how does it fit into current line?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2006, 01:25:49 AM »
Once you go Dyno-Thane everything else looks plain Jane!

Well what do you think "guys"  like my catchphrase?

Anyway, good bowling yak and I'm sure you and the ball will only get better with time.

If you want something to handle a bit more oil and carrydown might I suggest a High Energy...possibly a Pure depending on what you're bowling on exactly.

Kyle: Chef, we need Butters to gain about 50 pounds, fast.
Chef: Well, if you want him to get really fat as fast as possible, one of you will have to marry him.
Stan: Marry him?
Chef: It definitely worked for every woman I've ever met.