Been somewhat disappointed in mine. It's a very controllable ball, easy to get to the pocket, but the carry is not there.
The Zr40 is a solid ball, don't get me wrong, but it's not a spectacular ball.
I've tried with and without weighthole and with a coverstock change, but hasn't really improved IMO. I just bought The ONE and it matches up much better to what I want and the carry is phenomenal. To each his own.... for some like Jim E. the Zr40 is amazing, for others, like me it's just another ball. Probably going to be selling mine soon.... =(
PS-Don't take me as a non-DT guy.... My Thing Returns was/is by far and away one of my favorite balls ever....
Never argue with an
idiot....They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with

Edited on 4/7/2006 2:51 PM