Scared of all the 'particles die after X amount of games' i was weary to choose this over a trimax 2 from the summer camp. well ive had this ball for 2 years...drilled 3 3/8 stacked leverage with a itty bity weight hole near my PAP. 16-17mph, med. revs, 10degree axis tilt, hit the 15, out to 8 and back.
This ball is AWESOME once my Pantera begins to be squirty. This ball doesnt roll-out, doesn't over react. The last 3 weeks i've felt like i've had an area of 15 the foul line. Carries VERY well even on high or light hits. I have only de-oiled this ball once, and that was well over a year ago. Just some towel u get from a YABA tourney to wipe it off with each shot and its still rolling strong for me. No 'particle-death' for me
9/10 ---has some problems with the heavy soup, but once theres a small track/play area..its golden.
Well my name says Drive95GrandAm....but that was 2 yrs ago, now i drive a 2002 Mitsu a car geek that is also a computer geek that loves bowling