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Author Topic: Apex Obsession  (Read 18258 times)


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Apex Obsession
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Reactions: Early revving
Controllability with smooth, heavy roll

Target Line: Outside angles and the track area
Lane Conditions: Heavier oil
Coverstock: Big Wheel Medium Load particle resin with PET sparkles sanded with 1000-grit Abralon
Core: Same super low RG, high differential core as the Apex Addiction
Differential 16 15 14 13 12
2.44 2.44 2.48 2.59 2.62
.049 .054 .052 .043 .046

Length Rating: 7.2 (scale of 1-30, early to late)
Overall Hook Rating: 29.0 (scale of 1-30, least to most)
Breakpoint Angle: 7.3 (scale of 1-10, smooth to sharp)
Color: Navy/Fuchsia Sparkle



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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2003, 11:07:48 PM »
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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2003, 10:45:11 PM »
OK, I must change my review on this ball. I took it to Vegas and that ball was a beast. Except for the carrydown at the Castaways, that ball was hooking more than ever and it hits hard. I suggest that anyone who is looking for a hard-hitting ball to get this one.


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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2003, 03:41:25 PM »
Specs: 3-4" pin, 4oz. TpWt.
Drilled pin above fingers, 5.5x4 layout
X-hole 6" over from grip.

Same core as the Addiction with higher particle load coverstock. The Obsession is Ebonites stronger version of the Addiction, in my opinion a much better version. I usually drill these balls weaker because of the massive flare, I've had a couple drilled strong that didnt hit very well because of the wasted energy in the fronts. The weaker drill patterns react very well and hit extremely well for a particle. This is the best particle Ebonite has released since the Predator Solid. Here is my rating scale on their particles:

10 - Predator Solid
9 - Apex Obsession
8 - V2 Strong
8 - Apex Adrenaline
8 - Predator Jungle Grn
7.5 - V2 Particle
7 - Apex Addiction
5 - Apex Aggression
5 - Predator Sparkle


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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2003, 08:03:47 PM »
After drilling this ball I took it to a regional event that was using pattern 'B' - 43 feet on synthetic.  However, there was not enough head oil to get the ball down the lane without losing energy.  The factory finish was obviously too strong.  After applying Ebonite Particle Polish it cleared much better but was still a bit much.  My plan for the future is to wet-sand it with a high grit sandpaper to smooth off the particles then apply Particle Polish.  This has worked on other particle balls of mine in the past.  In fact, I ended up using an Aggression prepared just that way to finish 5th at the regional.  The Obsesion will be good for heavy oil and players with low rotations.  Overall, an excellent choice for heavy oil.
-Ray Edwards
Ebonite Regional Staff

Brad Pollard

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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2003, 01:41:53 AM »
I drilled my Obsession with a strong pin (3 3/8) and with the mass bias 4 inches from my PAP.  I compared it to an Addiction I had laid out similarly. Though the Addiction gave me a harder breakpoint, on the condition I was on,   (fresh 40 foot pattern with strong backends), the Obsession was definitely the better ball.  I just had the box finish on it and it had an early midlane, but very smooth reaction.  On heavy oil I definitely feel like I can get a good read of the lane with this ball. So even if it didn't match up on a condition, the predictability of the ball would give me a good indication of what ball I needed to switch to.  Though I do see this ball matching up on a lot of heavy oil blends.


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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2003, 09:57:17 PM »
Specs: 2-3 inch pin 3oz top weight
Drilled pin below ring finger - stacked

This ball is great. Recommend this ball to anybody the bowls on heavy oil and has a fast ball speed like me. This ball comes out and starts hooking in a smooth arc about 5 feet past the arrow and slams in to the pocket. Best ball I have owned. Clears the deck but starts to leave corner pins when the lanes dry out, time to change balls then. Also forgiving when crossing over the head never left a split only a corner or solid 8. Only draw back is it soaks up oil like a sponge had to clean it every 4 games or I started to see it fade.


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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2003, 11:37:55 AM »
As a stronger version of the Apex Addiction, I would have to say that the heavy particle load makes this ball THEheaviest rolling ball Ebonite makes.  I drilled this to complement my Addiction, drilled with the pin above my fingers and the CG kicked out to be in line with my axis, accompanied by a huge weight hole.  This ball rolled up on a pattern C at a regional in Dallas where my other equipment was either too snappy or went right through the breakpoint.  With a very predictable roll and a smooth transition, this ball is where it's at.

Strengths -- Blending out wet/dry conditions and creating are where there is none.

Weaknesses -- Drier heads makes this ball rev up too soon and lose the look it was designed for.

Tim Penner
Southwest Regional Staff
Wichita, KS

Jim Lewis

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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2003, 01:14:45 PM »
The Apex Obsession by Ebonite is a great looking addition to the Apex series. I drilled one with the pin at 4 ½ inches above the fingers and the Cg at 3 inches with the bomb 2 inches left of the VAL in a strong position. There is a balance hole in the PAP. The ball has been used only in the box condition, and only on synthetic lanes with medium to long wet/dry league patterns.

The Apex Obsession was quite a heavy rolling piece in comparison to the Predator Pursuit and an Apex Addiction with similar layouts. The Obsession was in a heavy forward roll on the backend on a 40 foot medium volume pattern on Proanvillane, where as the Addiction and Pursuit were making their move with move angle. The box condition is fine for fresh longer oil patterns. When the heads are lighter oiled the cover should be altered with particle polish to aid in storing the balls energy through the front part of the lane.

  Those who had success with the Apex Aggression will love the Apex Obsession, due to its similar breakpoint shape and ability to handle heavier oil patterns. Others would still benefit from the heavy strong roll of the Apex Obsession, for usually the best reaction on longer oil patterns is to find balls that ROLL, not the famous skid snap reaction. Ebonite’s Apex Obsession is the latest piece that attacks the lanes with a good combination of control and power, give it a tryout.

Jim Lewis
Ebonite PBA Regional Staff

Jace Peterson

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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2003, 04:27:47 PM »
I drilled this 3" pin even with ring finger, and the mass bias 1/2" left of the VAL weight hole on grip midline at 5".
 On the PBA's B or their 50' pattern the Obsession worked great as long as there is enough oil in the midlane. The Obsession reads the midlane earlier than the Addiction, and it is smoother. Because of this I have a little more area to the right on flatter patterns. This Obsession also reacts great on patterns with a short buff out, because it does not jerk when it leaves the oil line. Because of this the Obsession should work on a house shot. I will find out when couples league starts, and if it doesn't I will let you know. What I have found is without oil in the midlane there are better choices, because this ball will burn up without a surface change, however with the oil in the mids you have all the control you need to keep the Obsession in the pocket most of the night.



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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2003, 04:00:09 AM »
drill this one using the 75 degree bomb placement. used a 3-4 inch pin. Placed the pin above and between the fingers. Condition I used it on was 1-1 oiled 34 feet. Back ends were not clean.  Ball read the mids great. shot 803 with it, in league out the box. Threw it later on that night when they were a little dryer and still was able to get it down the lane, playing in deep, I love the reaction, Ball did not JUMP in the dry. Great ball when you have good head oil and you need something to read the mids and just roll.

Ty Dawson
Regional Staff Member

EarlThe Pearl

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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2004, 12:42:00 PM »
All I can say about this ball is once I started using it, I gave away my previous "oiler", the Storm LRG. The Obsession blows away the LRG. I'm no expert on drilling so pardon the lack of techo speak when describing the drill. I'm a left handed stroker with average revs and speed. I had it drilled "strong" with the pin back by the fingers and a little off to the left if you're looking at the holes with the finger holes on top and the thumb hole on the bottom. No side hole. The ball gets down the lane pretty well for such a strong ball. It lopes just a little then goes into a strong roll by midlane. I use it on any lane condition at or above medium oil. This ball hits like a freight train. I've noticed I don't leave quite as many 7 pins with this ball. This is my first Ebonite and I'm very impressed. It won't be my last. It's a 10.


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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2004, 12:57:22 AM »
I drilled this ball with a 5’ pin, under the fingers and the bomb in my track, 120* drilling. This ball is a heavy rolling ball that will read the midlane. After polishing with Particle Polish I was able to get the ball down the lane and the drilling gives it a smooth reaction toward the pocket. This is a good oil ball
Bowl to Win

Mark Johnson
Ebonite Regional Staff


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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2005, 01:07:40 AM »
I got this ball from Ball Death(my homie!) and it was layed out with the pin next to the ring finger(4 3/4 to PAP for me) with the MB by the thumb, and a small target hole next to the C.G.  When I changed the grips, I noticed that the ring finger was drilled VERY DEEP, 3 inches to be exact, and the middle finger was only at the standard 1 1/4" depth for inserts.  This made me a bit skeptical to what the reaction would be, but it ended up suprising me.

The Obsession gives that strong Apex roll that the series is known for, but what suprises me here is the continuation that it gives through the pin deck.  I've thrown the Original Apex, Adrenaline, Addiction and Predator Pursuit(an Apex derivative) and the Obsession is the second earliest out of all of them(Addiction rolls the earliest by far).  Usually with balls that roll this early, they plack at the end and have no strength to drive through the pocket.  I think my tilt and rotation makes a perfect combination with this ball and layout.  I kept the original surface on the ball and it's perfect for attacking inside angles with a ton of oil is present.  This ate away at the Junior Gold medium shot, which lays down a heavy concentration early.  I was able to string 5 and 6 strikes in a row many times during my 4hr practice/testing session the other day with this ball.  

This ball fits one of those niches where nothing else will work when the lanes are tight so you need something that you can play in your comfort zone and have it dig into the pattern and create a predictable roll.  As with every ball on the market, it's going to finish at the deck, assuming it's not rolling out, but this ball rolls heavy and continues through the pocket like a bulldozer.  

....I can't believe I just said that
Respect the Game

Invertedsdfg 1

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Re: Apex Obsession
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2005, 03:09:34 AM »
I'm bored so I thought I'd post a late night review of this ball. I bought it about a year ago as a heavy oil ball when I first returned to bowling after about an eight year layoff.

Anyway, the ball is drill with the pin even with my ring finger 3 3/8" from my pap with the MB in the strong position about 1" to the right of my thumb. The surface has been taken down to 800 grit per the Ebonite surface chart. So, it's layout out for the earliest roll and max flare. Like most bowlers who buy a particle ball, I expected a huge back end reaction. So, when I didn't get one, I was extremely PO'd. Also, using it on a drier lane conditions and watching it hit like a wet noodle didn't help matters either.

Pulled this puppy out of the box in the back of the closet to use in a league that has heavy oil in the middle with dry from 10 to the gutter using Guardian heads with wood mids and backends. Anything thrown deep into to the dry over reacts and the ball dives through the nose. If you use anything other than a ball meant for oil while playing the oil, weak 10's rule the day if and when you got to the pocket.

Standing on 25, throwing to 15 at the arrows and a breakpoint at 10, this ball would cut through the oil and make a nice smooth move into the pocket with great carry. 10's were no problem and were sucked off the deck with this ball. As long as you could keep this ball working in the oil, it did a great job. So, I made adjustments during the three games going deeper into the middle of the lane as the oil moved and shot a nice 650 series with it.

I would highly recommend this ball as long as you have the oil to make it work. I can guarantee that if you use it on anything other than a medium heavy oil pattern, you will NOT like this ball.

Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!