Hey all;
Was waiting for my Apex to arive looking at the new core and wondering how I was going to drill it? So here we go!
My Apex ,15 lbs 4.5 inch pin out, 4oz top weight.
The big selling point of this ball is its ability to be drilled as an A-symetrical, or a symetrical weight block, Drilling the BOMB out of the ball will give you a strong reaction like a Vortex (symetrical) or leaving the BOMB in tact to give you a reaction a lot like a Matrix (A-symetrical)
I've drilled 2 of these and like the results of both.
The first one, Drilled a 12 o'clock leverage , pin and CG in a line with a 1-1/2 inch shift to the left from CG, placing a weighthole at 5-1/2 inches.
I left the shell of this ball *out of the box* and went to the bowl.
The shot that we bowl on is a typical house shot.....50 units of oil from 12 to 12,10 units out to the 4 board, chemical spill to the ditch.
This ball got thru the heads well, but if you got it out the the ditch, get the turn signals on , because this thing is going left fast! Had to protect from getting the ball out to quick, or cutting the speed short, but shot 250 the first game. Next game, ran out of lane and put it up

The second ball I drilled, we polished it with the Factory Polish from E. The ball was a 3-1/2 pin out, 4-1/2 top weight. I put the pin above the ring finger, putting the BOMB just to the right of the thumb, to be sure that I hit the neck of the BOMB. This ball I could open the whole lane, and was able to throw it the whole night by moving left and using more angle thru the heads to acomodate dressing breakdown

Shot 670 and if it wasn't for operator error, should of had 700.
The big difference I saw in the two balls was the influence of the BOMB.
The first ball had a strong, sharp defined move, great for houses that give you pin carry problems.
The second ball was an everyday in everyway ball, meaning I could pull it out anywhere and find a line with it.
The Shell of this ball gives you option too, I want to polish the 1st one and dull the second one to give that a try!