Length: Medium
Volume: Good to start quickly goes....somewhere? OB.
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS.
Signals? Almost never heard of this ball or saw anyone use it! Walked in to my proshop and he had this ball drilled different and for sale on consinement, Pin up and closer to PAP...say 4 1/4 and with the Mass Bias stacked. Also a weigthole near my PAP and say 7/8 X 3 deep. I was sure this ball would be too strong on my harsh wet dry house shot.
Now I have the Vital Sign with the same core. Always in my setups of this ball(twice drilled)I had the mass bias stronger than the pin. Very strong but never could get it to match up really anywhere.
Surprisingly this pearly ball worked well right from the start when I bowled without anywhere close to a fit. After proper grip adjustment I came in and followed up a young kids expedition day. Immediately I just missed a 10 bagger by having pins run in to each other while chasing the 10 pin on a light hit.
As usual the shot started to change quickly after the first game. Yet this gem had no problem carrying from deeper! I don't know why this ball has so much of a better shape for me than the Vital sign whether the drilling or the different coverstock.
Again the drilling does not have any kick out of the mass bias and the coverstock appears to be pearlier with a light touch of mica!
This ball never was seen much or had much acclaim but I think it is a secret winner!
As to the drilling