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Author Topic: Killer Instinct Pearl  (Read 17243 times)


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Killer Instinct Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Exceptional backend hook.
Asymmetric core creates strong midlane roll.
Perfect combination to maximize your area on the lane.

Line Killer Instinct
Color Red
Coverstock Reactive Pearl
Core 2-piece Asymmetrical
RG 2.48
Differential 0.062
Factory finish Polished
Weights 14 thru 16lbs
Lane Conditions Medium Oil



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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2004, 05:53:55 PM »

The Killer Instincts are by far the most aggressive Ebonite balls that I have thrown.  The Pearlized Big Bang cover allows the Pearl version to clear the front part of the lane smoothly.  The High Mass Bias in the Xenex core generates a nice strong midlane roll which keep it from squirting.

You can really open up the lane this one.

Ryan May
Ebonite Amateur Staff


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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2004, 08:56:53 AM »
I am going to tell you now that I drilled this ball the exact same pin and cg as my sanded KI. It did exactly what I was told it would. This ball gets through the heads and it makes a sharp move to the pocket. I am again very impressed. This ball will be an awesome piece in the world of competitive bowling. There is more than enough flare potential and plenty of cover to do almost anything you want the ball to do. Once again, there is a pair of bowling balls that will go hand and hand through the heavy oil and the break down that happens in every aspect of todays bowling environments.

 Norm Titus
 Ebonite Regional Staff

   Norm Titus

Jim Lewis

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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2004, 12:33:59 PM »
The Killer Instinct's by Ebonite flat out give me more angle and area in the midlane than any other Ebonite recent release.   The Killer Instinct Pearl is drilled with pin at 4 1/2 inches and bomb in strong position, there is no balance hole. The surface was left in box condition. Starting pin was 3 inches out and starting top weight was 3 ounces.

  The conditions bowled on thus far include wood with a 38 ft pattern with prodigy oil, 36 ft second shift pattern on proanvillane , and a 39 ft sport pattern on proanvilane.

  The Killer Instinct Pearl cleared the front well enough to give me strong recovery on the 38 ft wood pattern even as the heads started to break down, and the ball was great on the fresh pattern on the wood. The same was true on the second shift proanvilane condition.  The Killer Instinct was too much length early on the sport pattern but as the lanes broke down the increased differential from the ball and its more oil friendly coverstock allowed a strong reaction from an outside angle that most others considered to be "Out of bounds".

  Whether you are looking for a strong high performance pearl for leagues or a tournament arsenal piece the Killer Instinct Pearl is the best on the market right now. GO FOR IT

Jim Lewis
Ebonite PBA Regional Staff


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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2004, 10:44:14 PM »
All I can say is "wow"...the Ebonite Killer Instinct Pearl lives up to its name. I just got this ball today drilled up with drill pattern #5..long and snap, pin out 4-5.I went out to throw it and I was impressed. Lanes were oiled 38 feet with carrydown and this ball went threw it all and found the pocket every single time. Almost looked like my Apex Intensity x 2. 788 first series with the ball, and I doubt it will stop there...Thanks a bunch Ebonite, keep 'em comin.

bob tompos

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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2004, 03:17:34 PM »
Bowled two league sessions with the ball and so far I am very impressed with the reaction.  If your an Ebonite fan, (I am), and like the controllable arch in most of their products you will not be disappointed with this one.  Pretty common label drill with a balance hole to bring side weight to 1/2oz.  Worked on the normal league pattern great.  Ball looks good both on the rack and the lane.  Best description of the break would be that it looks as if it is picking up speed when it catches the break point.  Good carry and pin action, strokers and tweeners with revs in the 12 to 15 range should like this ball.  Look forward to trying the sanded version.


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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2004, 07:19:25 AM »
I was able to throw this ball at the Ebonite Demo Day here in Brookpark, Ohio back in the middle of December. You can check my profile for my specs, but just know that I have good speed and a lot of hand.

All of the balls at Demo Day were drilled with the pin under the ring finger and the cg stacked below.

My first impression of the Killer Instinct Pearl was that it is a STRONG pearl ball. I got to throw this ball on 2 lanes with different volumes of oil. One lane was oiled heavily in the middle, with some dry bump outside of 5, and not much dry on the backend. The other lane was pretty much burnt up from earlier play on it.

On the oil lane, the K.I.P. skidded long through the oil, but could not quite make the turn to the hole in the oil. However, if I could start the ball in the oil for about 40 feet, and then bump the dry by the gutter, the snap back to hole was tremendous, and the hit was exceptional. On this condition, I could get a read on what condition I could use this ball on: Good oil in the heads, with crisp backends.

However, after throwing on the burnt lane, it became apparent to me that the oil in the heads would have to be long, because the ball just would not make it to the breakpoint for me on this lane. No matter how deep I got, I just couldn't get the ball to skid. It was rolling at 30 feet!

However, this ball seemed to be exceptional for the less handed players around me. It was a favorite of theirs as a go-long, snap-back ball. For me to get this reaction out of this ball, I would have to throw the pin much higher (above the bridge), and tame the mass bias. This is about the strongest pearl I have ever thrown, and I would caution crankers to put a tame drilling on this ball. It doesn't need help. However, properly drilled, I see this as the skid/snap monster of Ebonite.


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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2004, 04:34:55 PM »
I drilled mine with the pin above the fingers,cg out just a little w/xtra hole.I couldn`t throw it for a while because where I bowl is dry and it just hooked too much.I went to league last week and they had let the carry down in the middle build up.I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to throw it.I guess I was right,300 the 2nd game I threw it,768 also.This ball has alot of backend.I think this will be a great ball with some carry down when you need a little more power.

Doug Davidson

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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2004, 11:31:56 AM »
So far this ball has been a great "go-to" ball for me. With my ball speed, it squirts to much on the fresh. I was able to use this ball in a Regional when the middles were fried. Everyone was crashing through the nose. I was able to move right and play right up 8. Without this ball in my hand, I would not have made the finals.

This is also a great 2nd and 3rd game ball once the oil has burned up a little in the heads and the backend has tamed down a little bit. I am not a big "pearl" ball lover, but this ball has performed very well for me. It probably has something to do with the core/cover combination.
Doug Davidson
Ebonite PBA Regional Staff
Davidson's Pro Shop
1137 Sweitzer St.
Greenville, Ohio 45331

Jace Peterson

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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2004, 08:28:22 PM »
I have 2 Killer Instinct Pearls. The first one was drilled with pin above fingers 4 1/2" from pap BOMB in strong position with weight hole in finger quadrant. It also has 1 1/8oz bottom. It reacted good on a blend, but not good on a wall. I had to play to close to the dry (over under). I sanded this one with 2000 abralon. This allowed me to move deeper in the oil and the reaction was much better. On a hooking sport condition I could play 25 until the midlane went away.
  The second Killer Instinct Pearl was drilled 3 1/2 " pin even with fingers and a strong BOMB. Weight hole on pap. This one ended with 1 1/4oz top. Even with a 3 1/2" pin this ball was not as early rolling through the midlane as the first one. This made it sharper at the breakpoint, and not as quick off the dry on the wall. I could stay with this one longer on the sport condition.
  The killer Instinct Pearl is later in the midlane than my V2's, but earlier than everything else not particle. If you have alot of carry down and the midlane goes away so does the great backend. However if your center has clean backends and uses a crown instead of a CLIFF you can strike alot with this ball.



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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2004, 07:07:14 PM »
I drilled a Killer Pearl with the pin above my bridge and the c.g. in the center of my grip.  For me this makes the pin 5 1/2" from my positive axis point (PAP) and the c.g. 5 1/2" from my PAP.  The surface on my Killer Pearl is the polished box finish.

This ball is one of the cleanest ebonite balls up front, and very strong and sharp on the backend.  Great for house conditions especially second shift leagues.  It is also a great addition to any tournament bowler's arsenal for longer formatted tournaments.  Don't get me wrong, this ball is not as weak as the Stinger Low Flares, but it does get down the lane very well.

Red (The Outlaw's Buddy)


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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2004, 11:07:12 PM »
This ball is great. It gets down the lane with plenty of length, but when it hits the dry and out. This ball flips hard and goes after the pocket like a heat seeking missile. This ball hits very hard as well. If you are looking for ball with a little more length but will have the energy left to explode on the pins this is it.



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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2004, 09:28:09 PM »
Hey all,

Bowled with this baby on a heavy oil condition today. As good as this ball is on a drier to medium condition, that is how marshmallowy it is on heavy oil. This is not a knock on the ball, just letting you all know that if buy this ball do not knock it because the condition you used it for did not match up with the ball. In the oil this ball skid way to far and when it recovered it was way to late. So, I put the ball back and took out my Aggression and we were in business.


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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2004, 11:30:45 AM »
First things first - "Ebonte", excuse me, Ebonite hasnt made a decent ball in the last four years (V2 was their last "gasp"), and frankly, I am utterly amazed they are still in business: the word "Boat Anchor" comes to mind. So, even with that in mind I still decided to jump on their latest landmine - the Killer Instinct Pearl.
A word of caution here - my experience has been to NEVER drill Pearl equipment weak - these balls are designed to not recover, and unless the heads are completely fried and the backend reaction snaps like alligators (a condition rarely seen these days) drilling a weak pearl ball is a huge mistake.
I drilled this ball as strong as a ball can be drilled: (1) pin at a 45 from the bridge - exactly in between the bridge and my midline, and below the ring finger (to create early roll); (2) the CG is kicked out to align with the midpoint between my midline and my PAP; (3) placed the bomb in the strongest (45 degree) position (measure from thumb to PAP). The ball came with 3.5 top - after drilling I still had 2.75 ounces side, so I cratered a 1 inch X 3 inch weight hole at my PAP position.
First impression came on a huge carrydown condition - the ball was even and controllable: I played everywhere - 10-15-20, and the ball reacted smoothly and carried well.
Second impression is on goo in the middle with carrydown, second league condition after running the heads: Hooked the lane - played 15 to the gutter and scored reasonably well - only hung 2 ten pins - light carry was extremely well - no chance to get to the left of the headpin as the "goo" and carrydown prevented almost everyone from crossing over. While I was hooking the lane, most everyone else was playing up the boards.
This ball can find dry boards, if you let it (it is Pearl afterall and can be speed sensitive). Breakpoint is easy to control, over-revving didnt seem to matter, and carry was above average. I give it an A- (its still an Ebonite ball, and I cant in good conscience give it an even "A").


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Re: Killer Instinct Pearl
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2004, 06:33:49 PM »
I bought this ball about a week ago and i got it drilled for maximum hook. I needed a ball that I can throw  across the oil reaching the dry outside and snap back hard enough for that head pin to bounce back out across the lane as a messenger taking out everything in its path. I am very happy with this ball. The hook is very consistent and carries well. I left a few pocket ten pins but that happens every now and then with every ball. As of now I'm in love with this ball because if i miss my mark it still finds the pocket somehow.  You will have a field day with this ball with heavy oil in the middle and fades dry to the outside. If you bowl with this ball on long oil patters you will just need to slow it down a little for it to catch....DON'T USE THIS BALL FOR DRY LANES!!!  I give this ball an A+.