Boy is this the biggest piece o' crap I've ever thrown, hmmm lets see
I threw the LRG..Turd
I threw the HPD..for me..Turd
Bruns GTB..Turd
AMF Blue Angle..Turd
La Nina..Turd
SHOWTIME PEARL...King of TURDS, Emperor of Turds, Lord of Turds, President of Turds, Prime Minister of Turds, CEO of Turds, League President of Turds
Drilled it weak hits like a turd reacted like a Turd, redrilled it aggressive now reacts like a bigger turd. Hooks when you want it to go, goes straight when you need it to move. It will leave you a corner pin when you need a strike and leave you a split when you need a spare. When you need nine it'll leave you a bucket.
Tried dulling it and it shined up after three frames. When I do hit the pocket and it actually strikes, it really looked like it didn't want to. The pins fall straight back and like it was just hit buy a 5lb ball.
Tried playing basketball with it in the parking lot hoping it would break so I can chuck it and it won't break, I bring it home and it cracks on my track and now I have another Home Anchor. (this was an embellishment, everything else was true).
If I was a pharmaceutical company which made high blood pressure or heart medicine or stress relieving medecine, I would give this ball to every bowler in the world then I would be the richest pharmaceutical company in a week.
My friends call this the mushroom ball, it is quite a psychedelic frenzy of colors.
I threw enough games with the ball to conclude that this IS the worst ball I've ever thrown...EVER.
Impartial bystander reading this review "PLEASE Tony don't hold back, don't beat around the bush, what are you really trying to say about the Showtime Pearl"
My answer:
League/bracket competitor-"I'm saying this ball is great buy it now spare no expenses buy inserts and slugs, drill it aggressive or weak it doesn't matter, just don't use it when you bowl me, I'm afraid of the ball.............very very afraid <Shivering>
Moderator who banned me-"Buy this ball now, if you have a three ball bag then buy three if you have a six ball bag then buy six, I guarantee you will LOOOOOOVE IT!
P.S. I will probably be banned again, but I hope not.