Out of the box, mine has a 2" pin and 2-1/4 oz. top weight. I drilled it 3-3/8 stacked puting the pin to the right and below my ring finger with the bomb at 1:30. On freshly oiled lanes, this ball is a monster. It turns hard and hits even harder. Rarely was anything ever left standing, usually 9s' and 6s'. As the night went on, carry-down came in to play. This ball still hit just as hard, if not harder, but was much smoother at the breakpoint. It does not over-react on fresh, but is very aggressive. Once the carry-down comes in to play, it is still very aggressive but has remarkable predictability and control. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this ball a 9.9, (only the Nitro R2 gets a 10). Beginning bowlers should consider a very mild drilling on this ball. Experienced bowlers, get creative. This ball is AWESOME! Apex core, Big Wheel resin cover, the best of both worlds. It does need oil or speed, and lots of it, but it will make an interesting addition to anyones arsenal. Definately worth having.
Polished it to 1500 with Ebonite Factory Finish Polish. Goes a little longer and reacts a little less aggressively, but still very strong.
Polished further to 2000. Still very aggressive but now have some control over it. Now able to throw it with same delivery as the rest of my equipment. Too much finger results in too much hook. Once I pull my head out and settle down to lane adjustments, the ball works quite well. Now standing 22, throwing 13 to 7, 16.5mph, with my natural release. Not overly aggressive but still makes the turn where expected. Have also found it needs to be cleaned more often than most balls. Using Powerhouse Cleaner and/or Powerhouse ball wipes after 12 games seems to work best.