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Author Topic: Matrix Dominator  (Read 15806 times)


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Matrix Dominator
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The latest in the successful line of Matrix reactives, the Dominator surpasses its predecessors in hook potential. Ebonite has added a high flare cylinder to the two-in-one Fusion™ core, converted it into a Bomb’s Away design, and wrapped it in the aggressive Big Wheel™ reactive coverstock. Finely sanded with 1200 grit, this new weapon will allow all styles to be the Dominator on medium to heavier oiled lane conditions. Go forth and conquer.

Specifications are as follows:

Color: Navy/Green Sanded
Ebonite Hook Rating (Scale 1-30): 28.48
Ball Speed: Faster
Axis Rotation: Minimal Side Roll
Available Weights: 12-16 Pounds
Axis Tilt: Low Track
Revolutions: Low/Medium Revs
Best Lane Oil Condition: Heavier Oil
Backend Condition: Carrydown
RG: 2.480
Diff: .050


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2002, 02:36:48 PM »
I have had this ball for several months now, and just realized I didn't write a review for it.  

I have this ball laid out with the pin beside the ring finger and the bomb in the strong position.

This ball is great for medium - heavier oil.  On the heavy-heavy oil this ball didn't move that much.  I have been averaging very well with this ball over the last couple of months and it have become the ball i use to read the condition with.

With the layout that I have the ball, it is clean through the heads and then gives me a smooth midlane reaction with a controlled move to the pocket.  When the heads dry out the ball losses too much energy up front to have the drive in the pocket. If I changed the box condition, and polished this ball, I am sure it would be a great ball for the drier shots.

I give this ball an 8, because I have been able to use it on a variety of conditions and think it would fit nicely into a lot of bowler's games.  I think that with the right surface adjustments, this ball could be used on almost the any condition.

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

Bob and Steves Pro Shop

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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2002, 04:59:02 AM »

I drilled my dominator to hook stop. 1/2 neg the ball hit so hard it crush the pins. the pin was at 1;30 and my ring finger was 1/2 above the pin


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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2002, 10:56:49 AM »
   I am writing this review to update my experience with the Matrix Dominator.  The initial review was very positive and with good reason.  The first month I used this ball it seemed as though every shot that was flush in the pocket-carried.  

   The problem is that less than two months after drilling this ball, it seems to have ‘softened' and does not carry nearly as well as it did.  I have NOT put much faith in all this talk about balls "dying" but I must admit that this ball appears to have done just that.  Being a pro shop operator, I am able to maintain my equipment better than most but that has not prevented this ball from a noticeable drop in performance.

   Our shop has seen some similar problems with the Predator and Vortex III but we were attributing this to a lack of cleaning and maintenance.  We now are a little concerned that perhaps some of the Ebonite (and other companies) balls with thinner shells are more likely to lose performance sooner than those with thicker shells.  We are planning an experiment over the summer that will help us determine whether there is an advantage to thicker shells when it comes to life spans.  I will then post an update on the forum.  

   If you have any questions regarding this topic or any other reviews of ours, e-mail us at:


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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2002, 09:03:49 AM »
I am very pleased with this ball.  For me (see My Profile), it does the two main things I want a ball to do:  Get to the pocket and carry.

Ball specs:  16 lbs, pin directly above fingers and bomb at 12:00.

I have found this ball to be particularly useful if there is some carry-down.  I did have a little trouble with it in a tournament recently where there were fresh back-ends.  It “jumped” too much for my taste.

I read in a review that this ball, because of the strength of the cover, would often “roll-out”, but not to worry, because this would not affect the carry.  I have, so far, found this to be true.

I read in another review that this ball had “died” on several users.  I have not experienced this yet, despite using it weekly in a summer league and despite not maintaining it (a couple of coats of “Control-It” – nothing more).

To summarize, I believe for bowlers like me (stroker, medium revs, low-to-medium speed, more forward- than side-roll), the Dominator is an excellent and often overlooked choice.  It has an easy-to-read ball reaction and has excellent carry (many, many tripped ten-pins, just like my hero Earl Anthony with the slow-falling sevens) - what else does a bowler need?



Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2002, 10:30:36 AM »
Drilled this ball last fall.  Drill pattern is a 4x4 as I drill all my eqipment with this initial layout so I can get a true comparison between equipment.  Initially ball was a little strong out of the box.  After polishing, ball was fantastic.  Ball cleared front part of lane and finished as strong as my intensity.  After approx 100 games, ball started losing its drive.  Track was getting a little burned out so I resurfaced the ball.  Since resurfacng, the ball is terrible.  Ball just has no zip on the back ends.  ust like previous reviewer, I manage a pro shop and my equipment tends to get a little more TLC then most.  Recommend any Ebonite equipment, just not this ball.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop


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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2002, 09:03:04 PM »
Well, I don't know what to say.

Many reviewers have posted that this ball was great at first, and then it died.

So far, that hasn't happened to me.

Maybe the problem is some of you guys are giving the ball too much maintenance!  I certainly haven't.  I don't even clean it.

Since league began, I have only gone under 600 three times (once with a knee injury - shot a 485 that night).

In spite of my ill-fated 485, I am still averaging over 200!

Last week:  275/665
This week:  289/728

Gets to the pocket and carries everything.  Great ball!

And, of course, Ebonite has canceled it.  Thanks.



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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2003, 10:55:14 AM »
This ball was great when i first got it, heavy oil - no problem.
Had several high games with this ball.
After about 3 months the ball started getting weaker and weaker.
Thought at first it was me, i experimented with my other balls for several months comparing them on different lane condidtions.
Finally i soaked the ball to remove oil and resurfaced it. The ball was better but still didnt act like it used to. After about 6 games it was back to nothing again.
Have to say i really liked this ball at first but ended up being a big disapointment.


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Re: Matrix Dominator
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2004, 03:53:57 PM »
...Not wat i wanted.....
Lane Conditions: Medium Oil
Typical Conditions: Variety of Shots
Type of Lane: All Synthetic
What part of the lane did you play? Outside First Arrow
Did the ball track out? Slow
Weight of bowling ball: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Sanded
What grit was the surface of the ball? 320
Likes: Some what versitle
Dislikes: the drilling and the space between the pin and CG

Dave Olm(The Beastist bowler/my boss/owner of the proshop/awesome person) gave me this in hope that it would fufill my needs......... well i like the way i drilled the oval and thats about it..... its slow to react and i even sanded it.... well i guess the reason was because of the drilling.. Think if the ring finger was a clock... the pin was @ and the cg was an inch away! so i had no room to make it react normally... so yea... It was the thought that counted....... THANX DAVE and once again this part requires 100 words so im gonna talk... GO DAVE OLM PRO SHOP! LOCATED IN THE BEaUTIFUL CROWN LANES! THERES bOB BURNS, DALE KOLESAR,dAVE OLM, WILL NOLTE AND BILL MALLETTE.. NOW IF THEY HAD A 5 MAN LEAGUE... THAT WOULD BE AN AWESOME TEAM... BUT IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN... CUZ SOME ONE HAS TO WATCH THE PROSHOP!!!!!