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Author Topic: Matrix TPS  (Read 13280 times)


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Matrix TPS
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The specifications of the Matrix TPS are as follows: Factory Finish: Factory polished TPS particle resin; Color: Power Purple; RG Rating (actual): 2.51 (14-16 lbs.); Differential (actual): .047 (16 lbs.) .051 (15 lbs.) .055 (14 lb.); Mass Bias (BOMB): .018; Flare Potential: high; Length: scale 1 to 10 (early to late) with factory finish: 5.0; Backend: scale 1 to 10 (least to most): 11; Overall Hook: scale 1 to 23 (least to most) dull/shiny: 23 dull/15 shiny; Hook Style: medium length with strong, controlled backend; Best Lane Condition: medium oil with factory finish, heavy oil with surface.


Tony Glickley

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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »
Hey all,

  Welcome to Ebonite's world of TPS,Textured Particle Matrix. This ball, thought of as Pro Active, get that out of your mind right now.The shell of this ball is amazing! Comes out of the box polished, but don't be afraid to put a piece of sandpaper to it because you will be able to polish back to a high gloss with no problem.

  The core of this ball is the same as the Trimax Matrix,very predictabe modified Tomahawk core, they removed the pucks from the top and bottom of the block to alow a tighter flare which produces a more controlable reaction.

  I used this ball out of the box polished at a new Brunswick house in K.C. where they aply oil from gutter to gutter, at least 10 units to the ditch, probably 50units in the middle out to the 7 board, its a dream! I love it! Started the first game 257,244,one open,my fault,236 clean. Ball is drilled with the pin overthe ring...5x5in the words of the drilling world.

 The big thing about this ball that i noticed is that the oil wants to stay on top of the shell of the ball, so you can wipe it off before it soaks into the shell. It cleared the heads without a hang up,and continued to hook better than any proactive ball that i have throwen.737 out of the box will work for me! Can't wait till next week!   I think a ball that needs to be in your bag! Later!

Tony Glickley

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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »
Hey all,

 Just like i said, couldn't wait for next week to throw this TPS Matrix because the first week I shot 737, this week 300...825! :)

This ball is what every company has tried to get a "ProActive" ball to do. Pro active balls up to this point for me,started to soon..and quit. Of course then you say....well your discribing the reaction you want is a reactive ball, but the TPS does what none of the rest of them rolls in the oil without grining the finish off the lane, but smoothes the break point down without loosing all the energy at the break point.

 I can't say that i'll top this weeks scores next week, but again, its going to be fun trying.

                     P.S This ball should be in the pro shops by the first of the month! Later Tony

Tony Glickley

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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »
hey, just a little quick review on why you shouldn't buy your ball at a chop shop! Its hard to just let any Tom,Dick, or Charlie drill your ball for the lowest bid.i'm sure for your $129 dollars, they were concerned if the ball even matched your game,or the condition you bowl on .Since my shop sells about 50% Ebonite equiptment,the rest has to be someone elses stuff.There arn't any bad balls out on the market today, just bad drills and bad fits.I have shot 300, with a plastic ball, urethane, reactive resin, and proactive now.I have shot 300 with 3 columbia balls, one brunswick,one amf,and as you know ebonite also,sorry if i left someone out .If the shot is so soft at Park lanes, you are welcome to take your skirt off and come over and give it a try.I don't think anyone else is taring it up exept a couple lefty's and who cares about them anyway( sorry jeff....hehe)

so, the moral of the story here is...stick with a pro shop, not some guy who can wave a PBA card in front of you , or some unbelivable low price to get you in the door to victimize your hand.You don't have to like my shop or me, but , if you purchase balls based on what i say on this sight,sounds to me like someone isn't getting the real story from the guy who drills your stuff, what a bargin,!:)Tony

Randy Crane

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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
I used the TPS for the first time last night in league and it did not hook as much as I expected.  It was in between my highly polished Menace and my 1200 grit sanded Contender.  I was also leaving a lot of ten pins with it.  It is drilled stacked leverage (the same as the two balls I compared it to) and the pin is near the ring finger.  I think I will sand it with 600 grit and polish it with 600 grit polish and see what that does for it.  I am hoping for a stronger finish and hit.

Randy Crane

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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 1999, 01:00:00 AM »
For me (a lot of speed!) the 600 sand and light 600 grit polish was the right change.  Now the ball is working much better.  It sits up sooner and really smacks the pins!


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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Here's a typical game with this particle P O S.......9 pin, spare, 10 pin, whiff, 8-10 split, 2-10 split, double, 2-8-10 split, 4 pin, cover, solid 8, cover, Greek Church, cover 3. The typical I-thought-I-was-lined-up 145 with this garbage. With this ball you don't know if you're coming or frame it hooks, the other it doesn't. This ball is more erratic the anything I've ever put holes in. And proactives are supposed to open up a lane. The only opening I did was my bag......when I put it quickly back in. I never should have open the box and wasted the time mapping this turd out. Thanks a whole lot Ebonite. I had more control with your Skull Ball.

Brian Longo

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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I tried this ball at an Ebonite demo and found this ball to act much like the RipTide on the consiton I faced (heavy oil in the heads and midlane, moderate carrydown on the backends).  It arced to the pocket with not a whole lot of movement.  Mind you this ball had the box conditon on it, so a little more surface would've helped.  However, considering surface of the ball, it worked ok, just that it wasn't the boomer on oil I had expected.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Thank You to Brain Pursel and Randy Teitloff from Ebonite for their knowledge and support. This Matrix is the Third Installment for Ebonite following the Tombstone and Riptide. Both of these Balls hooked too early for most bowlers. Spinner and High Ball Speed Players loved them. This Matrix is a Semi Polished Particle Proactive that gets thur the heads cleaner with a little more stored energy on the backs. It rev's fairly fast and has a pretty large oil line flare around the coverstock. A much improved ball reaction than the Riptide or Tombstone. A wide range of bowlers with different release can use this ball, key is to buy it from a Pro Shop educated with Two Pin or Mass Bias Drilling Layouts. Bombs Away Core can be a little diffucult to layout. Precision in laying it out is the key to success with this ball. If the Heads get dry this ball has a trendency to hook a little early. Still a wonderful ball for medium oily to oily lanes. CONGRATS TO ONE OF MY CUSTOMERS: JOYCE GEBERT of Hartford Wis. SHOT HER 1ST 300 GAME WITH THIS BALL AND FOLLOWED IT UP THAT NIGHT WITH A CAREER HIGH 801 SERIES. Second High In the City. We at B&G are Proud of you Joyce. Keep up the Great Scoring, Thanks Dwight.


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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Ths is a great ball and I have not seen it stop hooking on any oily condition.  It grabs the lane and then hits the pocket flush and solid.  I just had this ball resurfaced and I have to disagree with anyone who says that this ball will not bee the same after it is resurfaced.  It hooks stronger than ever.  


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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2000, 09:11:53 AM »
I also puchased this ball when it first came out. This was my 1st pro-active ball.  I absolutely loved it.  I had it drilled label.  For a proactive, this ball was super clean thru the head oil, it had a very strong move on the backend and carry was exact.


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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2001, 01:26:41 AM »
The Matrix TPS is a great particle ball with a big caveat.  Good stuff first.

I have my TPS drilled leverage with the mass bias at 12 o'clock.  I can't crank the ball, and I don't have to with this.  Even in heavy oil the ball makes a strong but graceful move.  It holds energy well for a particle in these days of hook-at-your-feet equipment, though it's not a big backend ball.  It just turns the corner when it has to and finds the pins.  Expect move, but not snap.

Caveat--If you're bowling on dirt, fried lanes, etc., this ball tracks up.  It was difficult for me to resurface when I needed to because of the size of the particles-they're massive!  I suggest you keep this ball's surface as pristine as possible and don't let it burn up so you only have particles and no more proactive.  I clean mine with Track Magic Clean 'n Dull, and it seems to work well.  That, and we switched to synthetics.

This ball isn't going to turn too many heads, but it quietly is very consistent and gets the job done.
We call it a "solid 10" to make ourselves feel better.


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Re: Matrix TPS
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2005, 03:10:22 PM »

i thought i would add something about this ball since i used one for 4 years until it cracked by the fingertips and thumb.
I had to replace it because i could not find another one. The oracle was my choice and is a great ball. But i just found an old one not drilled and can't wait to bowl with it again.
Sure there is better newer balls, but isn't it like your favorite pair of shoes? Sure,others fit but theres nothing like your favorite