This is the ball that started it all. Its the very first line of the new wave Vortex series by Ebonite....the V1-Trimax..i bought this ball used from Mike at Mikes Pro Shop in Houston, two and a half years ago for 40 bucks. i had him drill it the same layout as my Tiger...Pin is about a inch to the extreme right of the ring finger. CG is about 2 inches up and slightly right of the thumb hole. This layout will give u some length and a hard controlled turn at the break point. By the way...its a 15 lb 3oz ball....After all these years it is still the most powerful, controllable, consistant resin ball i have ever 44 years old, ive thrown quite a few...its not the first ball out of my bag...but more important, its my go to ball when i really need a strike...or if im struggling in some way. Clean thru the fronts, ive never had a problem with ten pins...carries well. I love this not sure, but i believe it was the first, or one of the first balls to be considered a particle resin. If any of you stumble across one of these gems for sale GET IT, you wont be disappointed....its very versatile on conditions, dry, med, heavy....also, down and in, or straight players will benefit a great deal from this ball. The only negative about this ball is it may leave a 7 or 8 pin on hard flush hits... Take care ...and good bowling.......... Earl, Houston, Tx