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Author Topic: Striking Motion  (Read 10910 times)


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Striking Motion
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
- Coverstock: Super Shell 1.0
- Factory Finish: 4000 Abralon Sanded
- Color: Navy Blue All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Flat Iron Asymmetric
- RG Rating (Actual): 16# - 2.54 15# -2.56 14# - 2.58
- Differential (Actual): 16# - .046 15# - .040 14# - .038
- Flare Potential: Medium
- Length: scale of 1-50 (Least to Most): 19
- Hook Potential: scale of 1-50 (Least to Most): 48
- Break Point Angle: 12.0
- Hook Style: Big Hook With Very Strong Backend Continuation
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Heavy Oil
- Description: The Striking Motion from Ebonite, a high performance ball featuring a Flat Iron Asymmetric Core and new Super Shell 1.0 Coverstock that helps the ball cut tightly through heavy lane oil. We’ve also designed the Striking Motion to create more overall hook than any ball we’ve ever made, making it intense, just like your game.



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Re: Striking Motion
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 02:27:00 AM »
Threw the ball tonight in a Special EArly Release Demo Night for league bowlers and i threw 700 with it during my set.  280 my 2nd game(front 10, Foul..spare) yes, 12 strikes for a 280, odd dont ask, was jumped twice to two nimrod bowlers in my league next to me that had no clue what was going on.  ANYWaYs!...this ball hooks alot!!!  it never jumps off the spot and has continuous backend "motion" great carry percentage and hits like a mack truck.  i had 17 in a row with this ball. it opens up the lane for you. have not had the chance to throw it on a sport shot i will write up a second review when i get the chance to pick one up on the release date! drill it strong, pin diagonal over ring finger, mass bia slightly off to the right of the thumb, the cg should fall around your palm somewhere. have been told by the ebonite rep that it must be drilled strong to get the most out of this ball.....a MUST in your arsenal! great signature ball to put in the bag!

Donnie D

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Re: Striking Motion
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2008, 09:30:20 PM »
I got a chance to try this ball out on a Demo day promotion. Ball was stacked with pin above and 1" to the right of ring finger, cg on the mid span line and MB to the right of the thumb hole. Span was a little bit shorter than I usually use so I had to adjust my hand position to a 12 O'clock thumb.
Threw about 6 shots before league practice started and had to move 10 boards right from my usual starting point (freshly oiled lanes, THS and ball rep's urging me to move right). Started out playing straight up 10 and stayed there for two games. The ball held the line and cleared the pins from the deck with ease. I was pleasantly surprised when I got a shot wide, out to 5, and the ball recovered enough to get a light pocket strike. If I tugged the ball to 15 it held and carried. This ball needs oil. First and second games 246. Third game a grind out 195. I should have moved further inside. I could have changed balls but because this was a Demo Day Promotion by Ebonite I opted to stick with the ball for the series (687).
Part of the promotion was a free ball for high series of the night thrown with this ball. The ball rep made it a 2 place give-away. While I was not looking for another piece, I am elated to add this monster to my arsenal. I'm looking forward to using this ball, conditions permitting.
Thank you Ebonite!!!
Hats off to Ebonite for a monster of a ball!!!  

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Striking Motion
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2008, 04:03:55 PM »
Striking Motion
Ball Specs
The ball being drilled was a 3” pin out with 3.00 oz top weight.
Drilling: Pin 4" from PAP and Mb 45 degrees to my PAP, 30 Degrees Val line Dual Angle Layout. Pin is above ring finger. Weight Hole on a 4 o'clock angle

Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 10 1/2.
PAP is measured at 5 1/4 over and 3/8" up.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 16 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 90 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 300 rpm, "Tweener"
Lane Condition and Pattern:
Olympic Lanes, Brunswick Panel. Oil Pattern: THS condition medium oil outsides, heavier oil inside, semi clean backends.

On this pattern, the ball reads the lane very good. Gets through the fronts clean, revs quick in the mid lane and has a strong but smooth back end reaction. If the ball reads carrydown or a heavier oil section of the lane it tends to fall back and not finish, a possible surface adjustment would be necessary. On a 1-10 scale, 1 being low hook, I would give this ball a 6. Back end reaction a 5. Wish the ball had more back end reaction, but still hits very hard and the strike percentage is very high when you can get to the pocket with this ball. All styles will like this ball with the correct surface adjustments.


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Re: Striking Motion
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 07:06:45 PM »
I was nervous getting this ball cause I had never seen it thrown.  Got it for Heavy oil purpose and thats exactly what its for.  Dulled it down to 1500 grit and it works perfectly.  Within 3 weeks, had 2-600 series 1-750 series along with high games I had never thrown before.  Ball does come back extremely hard on dry house shots, almost uncontrollable.  Yes it is unpredictable at times but all in all it is a good ball.  Dulled or Polished.
Ebonite is the way to go!!!