Hello, and thank you for reading my review of the Ebonite GB4 Pearl. I hail from Southwest Ohio, where there is an abundance of friction. My GB4 Pearl is drilled 60 by 5 by 80, which places the pin right below my middle finger. I went with this layout because it has worked so well for me in the past with previous shiny Gamebreaker pieces. This layout cuts the flare potential down a bit, allowing me to have a slower response to friction. My release specs are as follow: 520rpm, 60 degrees of rotation, 24 degrees of tilt, and my axis is 4 and 3/16 over by 1 and 3/8 up.
With all of this info at hand, the motion I get out of this ball is ease through the fronts with a smooth and continuous response to friction. The conditions that this ball comes into play are your high friction lane surfaces and when the lanes have transitioned a fair amount. It is not the weakest ball in my bag, but a great piece when I'm facing more friction and my other equipment is too angular and sensitive to the oil. The GB4 Pearl fits that slot in my bag like all of its predecessors. The colors fit my eye well down lane, making reading ball motion easy. An added bonus of Dynamicore carries more off-hits than expected. I'm a huge fan of pearl GB pieces, and this one will not disappoint!