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Author Topic: Total NV  (Read 33293 times)


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Total NV
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Ebonite Total NV Bowling Ball

High Performance

Coverstock: Traxion Reactive 0.30

Weight Block: Spike Symmetrical Mas Bias Core

Ball Color: Purple/Navy/Gold All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.

Hook Potential: info coming soon (scale of 1-50, least to most)

Length: info coming soon (scale of 1-50, early to late)

RG Differential: info coming soon (Medium Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare

RG Average: info coming soon (Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point

Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Heavy Oil Conditions



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Re: Total NV
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 09:52:38 AM »
Ball surface: 4000 OOB/2000 wet sand
PAP: not sure (right hand)
Layout: Pin right next to ring finger, cg stacked, weight hole
Pin distance: 3" pin
Style: medium revs/stroker
Ball Speed: 15-17 ??
Lane Condition: Fresh THS, wooden lanes

Well here's the results so far with my Ebonite Total NV. Mine's drilled pin right of ring, cg stacked, weight hole right of cg, mb right of thumb, and down slightly. I'm not sure of my PAP measurements.

At 4000 OOB, the ball went really long, and had a hard time checking up and moving to the pocket. My driller and I thought with my speed being a factor, this surface would be weak.-no X-hole yet.

Second, we went down to 500, then up to 2000 wet sand, no polish. This really did what Ebonite says on the drill sheet. It hooked earlier, and the arcing motion even changed. With my speed, this made the ball really sensitive, but would still have a good reaction.-no X-hole yet.

Lastly, we put the X-hole right of the cg, to try to increase backend reaction. This did start to bring the backend reaction around, but I'll know more on my next league shot, with fresh oil.

I think this ball has a ton of potential, it's just a matter of tweaking the surface to the right condition now. By far not enough games on it to give a great review, but just the results so far. I figured this would help anyone curious about surface changes. I will follow up with future progress.

Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick


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Re: Total NV
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 09:55:08 AM »
Attended the Total NV clinic in Milwaukee yesterday with my driller.  Got back home mid afternoon and he had time to punch mine up for me.  Went with a similar layout to the demo balls with the pin over the bridge and kicked the Mass Bias to about 30 or 35 degrees.  We had decent oil on Olympics house pattern and I was throwing the demo standing against the return and bouncing some all the way out to 5 and getting it to scream back to the hole.  Only threw about a dozen balls but other that one 10 and an 8 I think I struck on the others.  At home we have an overexagerated house shot with very wet dry condition and a ton in the centers.  Most balls if you pull them playing deep will often skate past the pocket.  Started the first game standing about 38 playing 17 out to 8 at the break.  Ball never rev'd up on the pattern making me think it was catching the dry to quick and lagging. Still came out strike, spare, 3 bagger, spare for the first six frames.  Then I decided to move five more left and target 20.  Much better reaction and sheeted to the last ball.
Middle game started out with a good reaction through the middle of the game but then noticed the same thing as earlier.  As I was against the return I tried to give it more air time but it didn't matter.  Switched to my Threshold and on the next four had a light mixer, left a ten, another light mix and then a 2-8 so obviously plenty of oil.  As I did get this ball for heavier patterns like State and Nationals it wasn't intended to be first out of the bag. But at the clinic they are rating this their most versatile ball next to the One, plus that crystal 800 award at least makes you want to try.  I'm planning on trying it tonight on a pattern that has a little less in the middles and a bit more outside.  Even though I struggled on the home pattern with it I believe this ball will be a winner.  It's sharp looking, rolls awesome, at 4000 polished has unbelievable turn and hits HARD!! I may get another and drill it pin under for a more arcing shape rather than the big bang on the back 20.



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Re: Total NV
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 11:15:16 PM »
I have'nt had a lot of luck matching up with ebonite over the
last 5 years, and had all but sworne it off. I tried quite a few
things including the Xcel Pearl, One, Apex obsession, and I could
not get them thru the heads and still get a consistant reaction
at the break point. Needless to say I was skeptical about Ebonite's
new release when I attended the sneak peak and picked up my ball.  

The Total NV I have drilled has a layout similar to this

.....O  O


This ball is crazy! First time out with this ball and I go
246 219 299 = 764. I was on AMF HPL lanes on a typical house
shot. With every one else struggling with carry down and
dry heads I was still able to get this ball thru the heads and
had a very strong move into the pocket. I'm going to keep my eye
on Ebonite. Track and Morich beware, Ebonite definately seems to
be leading the bowling industry with the latest and greatest in
new technology.



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Re: Total NV
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2007, 08:46:40 PM »
My Total NV is layed out the same as Wloo's.  15 lbs.  

    I was throwing on brunswick synthetics, on a standard house shot.  This is a bunch of ball.  Best way to describe it is WOW.  It is very clean through the heads, picks up the lane, makes a very pronounced move and doesn't stop driving till its in the pit.  I tried many lines, 30/35 to 5 no problem getting back to the hole.  I moved 25 to 7 with forward on the ball and that's where it really came to life.  I've never thrown a ball that hits this hard, nothing even comparable, had many messengers, but only one was needed to get a 9 pin outta there.  The others... the other 9 pins were already in the pit.  I have above average revs, ball speed is 16 - 18 mph.  The only thing I foresee negative about this ball is it may well leave an occasional 9 pin because of it's sharp break and continuous drive.  Another great ball from ebonite!!

I think we'll see many more positive reviews on this ball.


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Re: Total NV
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 06:51:59 AM »
I've purchased many balls in the past and this one is near the top.  It drives through the oil and makes a sharp turn to the pocket.  The hit/carry is unbelievable and the pins don't stand a chance.  We had three new ones on the lanes and everyone shot 700 +.  Compared to the Angular One, this one goes a little longer down the lane, with a sharper break point.  Even with the pearl cover, it still moves in the oil.  If the longevity of this ball lasts, then this maybe one of the best balls on the market this year.  If your looking to get one, try Allstar Pro Shop.  Joe the owner and Lou the master driller are top notch and well respected 440-585-5816.  I have nothing to do with them financially, I'm just a customer that appreciates what they do and how they handle their customers!

7 SPLIT 10

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Re: Total NV
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2007, 02:01:12 PM »
Before I start my review, I'll give the usual basics.  I got this one punched up pin up cg stacked and kept it 4000 polished with a balance hole on the right side top left of the cg.  Note:  Ebonite claims this ball at this surface will react like a reactive resin ball, while if you sand it down to 500-800 it will react like a particle ball.  (This I have not yet tried.)

First I'd like to start with what this ball will NOT do (at this layout and surface):

-This ball is not a hook monster.  It will not read the midlane early.
-This ball, despite claims, does not hook more than the angular one. (At the same surface and drill layout)
-This ball will not cost you less than 150 dollars =)
-This ball will not always carry the 9 pin, as it continues hooking through the pins occasionally when you get the ball in too deep (Actually, I haven't left a 9 yet through 50 games, but I have maybe 14 trip 9's)

Now, I'd like to share what this ball WILL do!

-This ball will slide through the fronts clean, and deliver monstrous backend attack
-This ball will have more backend then the angular one; and goes longer!
-This ball will not leave many corner pins due to it's aggressive breakpoint angle
-This ball will read hand positions very well and react according to what you want the ball to do.
-This ball will increase your strike percentage, guaranteed.

Overall, I love this ball.  Personally, I just sold my angular one to make room for this guy in my bag, and I have NO regrets.  I'm not a big fan of posting scores that you shoot with new balls, but I'll let it be known that this one went for 696 OOB, and I've shot many higher series' since.  This is probably the most versatile ball on the market to date, and there are many different layouts and drillings.  However, I've not experienced this yet, but I've been told that the coverstock is pretty touchy and deserves cleaning after every match.  I haven't noticed anything yet, but then again, I've cleaned it diligently after being told this.  Ebonite made a winner here, and most of you will love this ball if you decide to purchase it.

Wow, Brad, I wish I could bowl like you.- Matt Holmes

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Total NV
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2007, 12:05:54 AM »
Ebonite Total N/V:

Ball Specs
The ball being drilled was a 3” pin out with 2.75 oz top weight.
Drilling: Pin 4" from PAP and Mb 45 degree angle or 4 1/4" from my pap. Pin is below ring finger, 1 3/4" above grip midline. Weight Hole Below Midline 4 o'clock angle. Surface: Factory Polished

Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 10 1/2.
PAP is measured at 5 1/4 over and 3/8" up.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 17 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 90 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 300 rpm, "Tweener"
Lane Condition and Pattern:
AMF Bowlero, HPL 9000 Panel. Oil Pattern: Medium Heavy Oil and clean back ends.

Ron Hickland, you are a genius, Hats off to the people at Ebonite. Ebonite and Ron Hickland really know what bowlers want in ball motion. Wonder why the pro's want to throw this ball so bad. The ball refuses to read the lane early, BRAVO!!! It slides down the lane so smoothly, picks up a nice roll in the mid lane and just finishes to the pocket with a strong but predictable motion. Just what bowlers are looking for. The "Perfect" combination of coverstock and weight block. 1st three games on the ball. 258,223,266=746. This ball will be going to Reno with me. I predict this ball will out sell the Ebonite One series hands down. All styles will love this ball. I can honestly say the ball seem to have eyes for the pocket all night long. All bowlers should try this ball. Thanks for reading my review.



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Re: Total NV
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2007, 04:17:21 PM »
Well I haven't used Ebonite since the Crush/R which I have had 2 and had a 300 game with each one. After that I had one other Ebonite ball can't remember it but I know I didn't like it, so I switched to Storm. So as of today I heard some good things about this ball Ebonite Total NV. Out of box drilled went straight to bowl league. First game getting used to the ball shot 208 then went first 9 for 278 and finished with 231 for 717. Great ball once I got used to it I was able to make it do what I wanted. This ball goes long snaps and hits hard.


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Re: Total NV
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2007, 02:59:26 AM »
I shot 802 with to TNV.  278-245-279  This ball is great.  It reads the lane really good.  Even on fresh just play up the boards and the backend reaction is like no other.  I am a big Storm guy but this ball is wonderful. I also have the Angular One, not in the same league as the TNV.  Since I had the TNV my lowest series is 687.  And that's with 4 opens.  This ball has great carry.   I had the front 9 twice with this ball, didn't shoot three yet but I know its coming.  This is a go getter for the bag.  I suggest that everyone should have one in their bag.

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Total NV
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2007, 10:05:26 PM »
Total NV's out of box condition.

Ball 1:

........O O

AMF HPL 9000

In this NV I elected to drill the XH 4.25" on the mid grip, bringing the SW to 1/2 and finger at 1/4 oz. This NV was excellent to the mids and controlling the mid lane transition. The key with this set up on 40ft house was that as the mids transitioned the nv read the move but did not over react. The explosiveness of the ball was evident through the hard roll and response.

Two bowlers.

Low rev - at slower speed the recovery was strong. at higher speed the NV recovered and carry the light hits.

High Rev - slower speed killed, as the nv became strong and jumpy. Higher speed allowed for control and strong recovery.

On this drilling the NV provided an all around great look and strong motion. The NV responded well to adjustments and speed.

the next review will be NV with pin down drilling.


........O O

This set up is definitley better for those that rev the ball when playing the swing shot. However, this NV controlled the inside playing the oil with speed. The NV turned and retained a clean roll with great carry. When the played to the lower volume oil right, the NV was long and definitley strong.

This will be continued upon further testing.

FB Pro Shop
Bowlers Map

"See my vise as it rolls down the can't it revs too much"

J Dubs

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Re: Total NV
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2007, 11:58:44 PM »
I drilled 2, one pin 4 3/4 from axis, pin hi, and 75 degree MB. the #2 was a 3½ pin to PAP, pin down, 90 degree stack MB. I used this ball #2 in th LI Masters and led for the day with it. Strong layout ball was useless on any house shot because cover is too strong, needed the extra volume of oil to work well. Even ball #1 was too strong to use for me on house shots. I would recommend the ball.
Stay Focused and Make the Shot

Buy your new high end bowling equipment at either Perfect Fit Pro Shop, PORT JEFF BOWL! 476-7550!!!
or The Perfect Fit At Sports Plus Bowl 631 737 4837
Both shops operated by PBA Members


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Re: Total NV
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2007, 10:53:15 PM »
I have to give credit to Ron and Randy and whole ebonite team once again for another great ball.I laid mine out with the pin 4 1/4 from pap with a 2" buffer from midplane and MB 5" from pap with a balance hole 4" over on the midline.Total Nv is very clean through the fronts and picks up very nicely in the midlane with a strong but controlable move on the backend.
Dannial Cohen
 Ebonite Regional staffer/turbo


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Re: Total NV
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2007, 03:48:13 PM »
this ball is really really good because i used it yesterday and i shot a 553 not that great then a 707 with an average in the 160's i shot 15 in a row and ten in a row im 15 with a 300 but 15 in a row is good for me i would get this like now my pin was 2.5 3 oz and my top weight was 2-3 so get this ball if you want to bowl good


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Re: Total NV
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2007, 08:52:11 PM »
I bought this ball and had it drilled for an early roll and strong and continous backend motion. the ball was very nice, making through the heads and showing me what i wanted. My only concern was that the ball had carried very funny, leaving alot of corner pins and pocket splits. i took the polish off and kept it at 4000 grit. it didnt make too much of a difference. i did use it at many other houses and the lanes ranged form burnt up to med-heavy, wood to synth. smae thing. If anyone could leave me a message on how to help me not leave the corners and/or tell me whats going on i would greatly apperciate it. my email is