Pin to PAP Distance: 4 1/2"
Degree Layout: 45 Degrees
Balance Hole: 25/32" Hole x 2" Deep - 4" Right of Grip Center
Surface Preparation: 2000 Abralon
What I Was Looking For in this Ball and Layout:
Hook, hook, and more hook. I've been lacking a ball that just flat out hooks through heavy volumes of lane oil. I drilled an Infinite One earlier this year, but it was specifically drilled for a trip to Las Vegas and extremely slick conditions. Since that time, I've not had a ball that would really handle extremely thick oil up until this point.
What I Ended Up With in this Ball and Layout:
This Total NV is incredibly aggressive, everywhere on the lane. The ball performs as expected through the front part of the lane. Whenever you have a ball with 6-7 inches of track flare, a 2000 grit Abralon surface, and then you combine it with my axis tilt, it's going to hook early. And that was just fine with me! This ball does exactly what I wanted through the front part of the lane.
At the breakpoint, this Total NV is very strong and induces friction like no other ball in my bag. Whenever I get on a lane condition where I can't get a ball to read the spot, I start thinking about this ball. This ball is strong enough in the transition that I haven't seen anything yet that it won't hook on. The great thing is that it is incredibly controllable at that spot, and it never jumps in an angular fashion. For my game, this is key when I'm bowling on heavier volume patters. The tendency for me is to get reactions that push too long and then change direction too quickly. I feel as if this ball will solve those problems.
As I said earlier, nothing outhooks this ball with the stuff currently in my bag. It handles heavier oil better than anything else I have. I can actually force this ball reasonably well on conditions it's not intended for. Now, it may not be beneficial to do so, but it is nice knowing that you have equipment that is a little more versatile and can be used on a wider range of lane conditions. I can use this Total NV on anything between heavy and medium oil volumes and lengths.
Length from 1-10 (Early to Late)
Breakpoint Move from 1-10 (Smooth to Sharp)
Overall Hook from 1-10 (Low to High)
If you would like to see a picture of this ball layout, please visit my website at:
www.proshoptraining.comVideos of this ball are available at:
Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
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