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Author Topic: TPC Player  (Read 11715 times)


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TPC Player
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Reactions: Strong roll in the midlane
Strong Breakpoint
Same coverstock as the legendary V2 Sanded:
Target Line: Inside and outside angles, and the track area
Lane Conditions: Medium to heavy oil
Coverstock: Pearlized Trimax reactive resin (same as the legendary V2 sanded) with PET sparkles sanded with 1000-grit Abralon
Core: Driller-friendly asymmetric Propeller core, same as the Shooter and Shooter XL, allows ball reactions to be fine-tuned
Differential 16 15 14
2.50 2.51 2.50
.058 .062 .061

Length Rating: 9.5 (scale of 1-30, early to late)
Overall Hook Rating: 25.5 (scale of 1-30, least to most)
Breakpoint Angle: 7.5 (scale of 1-10, smooth to sharp)
Color: Violet/Green Pearl



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Re: TPC Player
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2004, 03:43:56 PM »
Also, got this one on Ebay new for $40.  Was not really expecting much, but for $40, what the hell.  But WOW!!  This was drilled stacked about 4 1/2" from PAP.  2 1/2" pin and 3oz top and shined to about 800.  This ball is much stronger than the reviews I have read.  If I knew it was this strong I might have drilled it differently.  Anyway, the strong I am referring to is not super snap strong, but hard arc strong and very controllable and easy to read.  I have played many different lines with this ball, 25-15, 20-5, 15-5, 10-5, and straight down 10.  This ball is incredibly versatile.  
You will need some head oil.  If the heads are burnt, don't bother.
Very good carry and hits well.


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Re: TPC Player
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2005, 10:14:39 PM »
To see how the ball is drilled check my profile.

I use this ball on my THS (synthetic) league and will use it on a higher oil THS (wood) tournament. Recently I used this ball at a tournament which used a higher oil shot (wood lanes). I started throwing the ball around 2nd arrow standing at 4-5 dots. it had good mid lane read then grabed the lanes and hit the pocket (like a mac truck i might add). Later in the tournament i started leaveing some 4s and 8s but other then that 95% of the pocket hits reasulted in strikes.
The Tournaments Players Choice Player holds up to its name its My (a tournament player) choice for a med heavy oil.
However if you are playing in a higher amount of games tournament you might want to bring a med-med.light oil ball.

on a scale of 1-10 i would give this ball a 9.2 easy maybe higher if it was a bit more versital.
Would highly reccomend it if you are looking for a med-heavy oil ball
Proud owner of an Ebonite


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Re: TPC Player
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2008, 01:44:44 AM »
The ball: 15 pounds, 2.5-inch pin, 3 oz. top
The drill: Pin under ring, CG 1.5 inches out towards VAL, MB about 2 inches away from the thumb at 4:30. Works out to a 3 x 2.5 x 4.5 drill for me. Surface tested in two preps (box, then at 2000 Abralon plus polish)
Me: PAP 4 over 3/8 up, tweener revs, good speed, good circumference coverage


Bought this ball used without much game traffic, and coverted it to fit me simply by redrilling the thumb hole.

I first tested it in box finish and had one of the most unique experiences with a ball that I can remember. There was no big backend in the ball, on any condition. It much preferred to be played with a lot of forward roll rather than tilting it over and trying to loop it. And the more oil, the better -- on anything lighter than absolute medium, the ball would grab too quickly and burn up.

But increasing the speed to throw it "through" the condition wouldn't work. The ball did not have much recovery downlane. However, it made up for it by being an impressive ball in the oil, and it displayed great drive through the pins and good carry even from tight angles.

Given that I wasn't seeing many medium to medium-heavy conditions, however, I decided to test it at 2000 Abralon plus Track Clean & Polish. Shining this ball up really makes its looks come through this is one of the most attractive coverstocks I can remember in recent years.

The polish also gave the ball a little angularity downlane, allowing it to clear the heads better and begin its move to the pocket later. It's still a midlane monster, though not a ton of move in the very backend but it does have a last-second kick that is impressive.

Overall carry is just average, and even with the polish this ball doesn't seem to care for a lot of tilt with my style. It prefers to play up the boards, but when it finds a zone, it just kills it.

This ball is plenty strong enough to still be used on today's conditions, and the surface has proved easily changeable. Here's my overall take:

Positives: Cover easily tunable, good carry from inside angles, thrives in oil, attractive looks for those who care about that sort of thing.

Negatives: Not a backend boomer, doesn't like anything below medium-light no matter what the surface, carry anywhere other than inside is questionable

Summary: A good ball for oilier leagues and for sport shots given its penchant for playing direct, but might be an arsenal ball rather than a benchmark ball for most.
