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Author Topic: TPC Shooter  (Read 15096 times)


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TPC Shooter
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Line: TPC

Color: Purple

Coverstock: Reactive

Core: 2-piece Asymmeterical

RG: 2.50

Differential: 0.058

Factory finish: Polished

Weights: 14 thru 16lbs



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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2002, 08:42:57 PM »
I bowled with this ball at a recent Demo Day and all I can say is Wow! It's basically the same as the Warrior (the core) but has a solid reactive shell. I bowled with this ball on a Pattern A shot and the results were fantastic. It works best on medium oiled lanes. It's strong enough to kick out all of those 10 pins(7 for lefties). I shot a 202, 248, 251, 207 and a 267. This ball is amazing and I recommend it to all high rev players. Definately a ball to have in your arsenal.


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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2002, 03:10:24 PM »
I have this ball stacked under the bridge with the Ebonite Powerhouse Matte Finish polish on the shell.  I tried it out of the box and it proved to be too shiny for what I was wanting it to do.  I was looking for it to be a tweak reaction to my V2 particle (which is also stacked under the bridge).

When it was too shiny, it didn't have much of a predictable break point, so then my options were to throw a small, deep weight hole in it or take a little shine off of it.  I opted for the latter and it gets great length even though it isn't shined to the hilt.

Everyone should have one in their arsenal.  This ball is a great fit between the V2 solid and the V2 Particle in my opinion and the TPC line is going to challenge the V2 line for the best of the best.

Great job Ebonite!

Tim Penner
Ebonite Regional Staff


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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2003, 02:26:52 AM »
Drilling: 4 and 1/2 strong w/ pin under ring finger
box finish

Played on a number of house conditions with this ball since I got it, and it will be making a trip to Reno with me tomorrow.  So far I am very pleased with the roll.  I was looking for perhaps a slightly earlier version of my Vortex 2.  This ball definately reads the midlane a bit quicker than the Vortex 2 with a strong move to the pocket.  This is not by any means a heavy oil ball, however it definately will give you a slightly different look than the V2.  I think this is a solid addition to Ebonite's line.

Randy Russell
Bowler's Aid Pro Shop
Lane 1 = David Koresh of bowling

Eddie Williams

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2003, 02:19:56 PM »
I drilled this wonderful ball 4 x 4 no hole. First time I threw this I was very impressed. It cleaned the front very well and hit extremely well. I threw it on a house condition that was 38 ft. I think that this series of bowling balls (TPC series) will be very good for a number of styles and conditions cant wait to see what they come up with when it comes to a hooking ball in this line. Maybe they wont and that would be fine with me since I think they have such a variety of ball motions in the line of bowling balls.
Eddie Williams PBA Regional member
Eddie Williams PBA Regional member


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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2003, 02:54:29 AM »
Got this ball, drilled with Pattern 2 with the pin in the middle and under the fingers and the CG kicked slightly right.  I have to say that I'm happy with the ball.  I shot a quick 629 in 3 games of practice with it.  I only left one pocket 10-pin and that was the last frame of the 3rd game.  It seems to be a little bit skiddy on oil, I expected a little bit more of an agressive movement.  It hits like a fast moving Japanese train, however, and it seemed to make my pocket area larger.  I was playing a little bit inside of 3rd arrow, shooting out to about 8, then the ball just rolled up and slammed.  I think the best condition is medium oil just like recommended, and it reads the backends nicely.  With carrydown, its a little bit harder to predict the movement, but it still moves.  This ball also had no trouble getting through the heads.  

(I also wanna thank Colonial Lanes for not mangling the ball through its first three games too)

Overall, I like the ball, and it fits my game (mid-high revs, mid speed) well.  9.5/10 for my first Ebonite ball.

James Campbell

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2003, 08:15:42 PM »
I drilled this ball with  one ounce positive side weight and put a weight hole on my axis to get ball to 3/4 positive side weight. The pin is 5 1/2 inches from my axis on the center of grip line above fingers. It is close in drilling to the TPC Warrior and just a little less on the backend reaction. I've been using this ball on my house shot and it works great. This ball works great on medium oil. Note this is the light purple color.

James Campbell
Ebonite South Region Staff Member


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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2003, 02:27:38 AM »
Drilled - Pin below Ring finger, PSA 2" right of thumb, small X-hole.
This is the DARK PURPLE version (strong version).

This ball has the most unique roll of any ball I've thrown, besides the Warrior.  Its a reactive ball that reads both the midlane AND backend almost equally.  Very large core with an added flip block lets the ball rev in the midlane and still change direction sharply on the backend.  I cant think of another bowling ball that rolls like this.  A great compliment to those seeking the midlane roll of V2's BUT with the added sharp backend hook.

This ball rolls similar to the Warrior but without being allergic to carrydown.  The stronger solid shell of the Shooter handles carrydown more easily.

Xeno Garcia
Ebonite Regional Staff

Doug Davidson

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2003, 12:03:27 PM »

I think Ebonite has hit a home run with the new Big Bang Resin coverstock. As much as I hate to say it, my V2 isn't my goto ball anymore. (even though I still have 2 of them and won't take them out of my bag) This ball reacts very close to the V2, but can handle the carry down much better and not crap out on the backend.


Doug Davidson
 Ebonite PBA Regional Staff
 Davidson's Pro Shop
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James Campbell

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2003, 11:31:39 PM »
Note this is the dark purple Shooter. I drilled this one with the PSA at 135* and the pin 2 1/2 inches from axis. The pin CG and PSA are in a line at 45* from the center of the CG. This ball is drilled like the Apex Addiction and roles about the same way. With this drilling you will need some oil to get the ball down the lane so it will have some energy left at the pocket. With my hand and revs this seems to be a good drilling for me. I can't wait to use it on a PBA oil pattern.

James Campbell
Ebonite South Region Staff Member

Norm Titus

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2003, 08:41:31 AM »
This ball is a monster!!!
 I drilled it on label and was amazed at its ability to REV up where it needed to an a couple different patterns. I like the Warrior alot so I drilled this bass similar to my favorite Warrior. Pin under my bridge and CG in the thumb quadrant with a little positive shift. Very versatile coverstock. With the Ebonite particle polish I could get it through the fronts plenty clean enough to predict a good reaction, and with some surface (1000 grit wet sanded)I could get it to pick up in a pretty heavy pattern. I don't think you need much more surface that 1000 it is mighty strong. A must have if you like your Warrior.

Jim Lewis

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2003, 08:00:35 PM »

  TPC Shooter by Ebonite is a reactive resin ball with midlane movement.  If you must use a reactive resin ball and are having any issues with the TPC Warrior or the Vortex 2's this is your ball.

  Since I bowl mainly on wet/dry league or Sport/PBA conditions, I drilled a Shooter with the pin at 5 inches and put the PSA in my track at 135 degrees.  There is no balance hole and the ball has been scuffed slightly with 800 grit Scotch-Brite.  This layout is similar to one in a Vortex 2 Pearl and is intended to allow the ball to roll from the midlane, instead of diving through the backend.

  Even with the weaker layout, the TPC Shooter was still quite angular in the midlane.  In comparison to a TPC Warrior with 5 inch, 75 degree layout, the Shooter was still stronger at the breakpoint.  The Vortex 2 Pearl did break earlier than the TPC Shooter with the same layout.

  The TPC Shooter and Warrior have a Propeller core.  My experience with the Propeller core is that it seems to allow the ball to glide through the midlane area easier with the same layout when compared to other high performance balls.  The advantage of this is that one can use a stronger layout and avoid some of the early hook problems in the midlane area.  This is especially true on tougher lane conditions such as Sport Bowling where the "pile of oil in the middle" isn't present to correct a mistake.  Although the TPC line was targeted for use on tournament conditions, these balls play well on regular league shots as well. This is especially true with the stronger Shooter.  TPC Shooter is the solid ball in this line, and the TPC Warrior is the pearlized version.  

  The Shooter is a ball that I can rely upon to provide a predictably strong reaction in the midlane on medium conditions.  I would recommend the TPC Shooter to anyone but the flamethrowers.

Jim Lewis
Ebonite Regional Staff

Tony Glickley

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2003, 10:33:01 AM »
This version of the TPC series features the Big Daddy Wheel shell. Its a shell that wants to start a little earlier than the Warrior shell(Big Wheel)
I drilled mine with the pin under my ring finger and putting the PSA at a 45% angle from the pin. As you put the PSA closer to your axis point, you will achieve more length and stability.
I can use this ball and layout on a lot of different lane conditions. This ball reads the midlane better than any ball I've ever had. This ones a keeper!
The core in the TPC series requires some knowledge of what you want your ball to do BEFORE you drill holes in it. Weight holes can help tone the reaction down. Layouts without weight holes that hit the core will give you an Asymmetrical reaction. I have found that drilling a small hole deep and hitting the core will stabilize the core, giving it a more symmetric reaction. Always ask a trained and experienced ball driller about the reaction you are looking for.

Tony Glickley
Ebonite amateur Staff
Bowl to Win!

Jeff Carter

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2003, 07:40:46 PM »
Very good ball for medium to short patterns. Sees lots of play on pattern E 35'). Great length and above average backend makes this ball easy to use when you have friction to throw at. I've drilled several of these so far. I have 1 drilled 4" at 0 degrees. This ball will jerk and stop ( great for short patterns with fresh backends ), 1 thats 4 1/2" at 9:30 with pin in center of grip, low hole. This ball starts pretty early and continues pretty strongly ( my favorite ) Another good layout is 5" at 11:00. This layout is good for house patterns. The shooter is a good ball to control the pocket with. You wont get in a whole lot of trouble with this ball. Ball sees a lot of play on Tour. High reving players like Tommy Jones and Jason Hurd give this ball lots of play.

Bowl to Win
Jeff Carter
Ebonite staff member

Jace Peterson

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Re: TPC Shooter
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2003, 01:20:55 PM »
I drilled my shooter, 4-1/2" pin under the fingers 60 degree psa extra hole 1" from pap. This layout for me seems to use itself up to fast to play inside of 18. However on a pattern like E or A with a high friction surface it plays great outside. This ball pushes easy to hookspot then rolls to the pocket. No snap with this layout. I believe layout is VERY important with this core. I can't wait to get another so I can lay it out with a higher pin and stronger psa. This should give me the continuation I look for when playing inside lines. I will let you know.