2" pin
3 oz. top weight.
Drilled 12:00 with the CG right underneath my bridge. Polished to 2000 and finished with a coat of Elixir.
I bought this, and had it drilled, to be a snapping monster. I wanted maximum push with a strong flip and continuation. Will instead I got good length coupled with a lot of roll.
I can play almost any condition with this ball, and it will be predictable no matter what. While it does make a move, it's no where near as sharp as I expected, but this is by no means a bad thing. This ball sets up in the pocket, and does keep the pins low. The carry percentage is fairly high, but you don't see many messengers and you don't get a very rewarding crack at the pocket like you might expect.
Right now my warrior is my go-to ball when nothing else seems to be working, and I usually seem to pull my way out of a hole with it.
Good ball, but not truly great, equipment like this has existed before.
Hey look! I can pretend I'm a Cali JR bowler!!
Representin' the Three-Six-Ohhh from Washington St. yo!