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Author Topic: Vortex 2 Sweet  (Read 16139 times)


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Vortex 2 Sweet
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Reactions: Trademark V2 reaction with stronger overall hook then V2 Clean  
Target Line: Inside and outside angles and track area  

Coverstock: Trimax reactive resin polished with Ebonite Powerhouse Factory Finish Polish  
Core: Center heavy, extremely low RG, spherical inner core with dual flip blocks  

16  15  14  13  12        
2.45 2.45 2.44 2.50 2.57      
.046 .051 .061 .030 .032      

Length Rating: 18 (scale of 1-30, early to late)  
Overall Hook Rating: 21  (scale of 1-30, least to most)  

Color: Blue/Salmon/Gold  



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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2005, 03:34:11 AM »
Just got my V2 Sweet. WOW. I had an older hammer that was given to me by my uncle and the finger holes had me way stretched out. So i started researching different balls and i had it down to the V2, Columbia Bully, and Track Sheer Havock. i rulled out the bully in the beggining because im a nice easy tweener. Then i ruled out the Sheer Havoc because it didnt seem to have the length i wanted. so i ordered the Sweet a week ago and got it drilled yesterday.

Not good with drilling lingo so i told my tech man to drill it to hold,hold,hold,and then snap like a banshee. he put the pin 1/2 inch directly above the ring finger. my throw is like this. I start in the middel dot and throw about 12 boards right. the ball does not move until the last 10 feet and then it looks like it finds 4th gear and accelerates threw the pocket. i dont put much spin on the ball but it still snaps like crazy.

this ball works great in light and medium oil, but has touble coming around in heavy oil. yet if you tweak your throw a littel it still will get strikes for you. all in all a great ball and defintaly worth the price.

also im not a very good bowler (just got into it seriously). i averaged about a 110 with my poorly drilled urathane hammer. last night i was averaging about 160. one thing i did learn is that a ball is 20% of your game, 70% is the bowler, and 10% is luck. (that is my obeservation) if this ball was in a skilled bowlers hand it would work like a charm


if you want to know hows it going ill tell you: strikes and gutters, ups and downs


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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2005, 10:16:28 AM »
drilled this ball up last night straight turn no nothing.....specs came about to be about a 4 inch pin drilled about fingers with CG stuck straight in the palm......ball does exactly what I wanted.....rolls very little and still carries well.....I have slower ball speed and like to rev it up and have had problems with drier shots where the ball overreacts and i cant throw it hard enough to get it through the heads....this balls goes long through the heads and only when it finds the dry boards does it start to hammer back....but it never overreacts and hits hard.....all in all it does exactly what I bought it for so Im very very happy.....thanks all

Hey if ya gotta poop, DO IT!!!!!

Sweet Lou9

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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2005, 11:51:36 PM »
I am a 180-190 average bowler and I got this ball about 4 months ago.  This is a great ball for house shots on light or medium oil.  It has the same problem that all ebonite balls have!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems like they all roll out


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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2005, 05:55:04 PM »
I bowled with my new V2 Sweet today in league play.  My first game was a 207, my series was a 519!  I could have never done that with my old ball, a Gyro I.  I understand why they call this ball Sweet!  Even when I rolled what I thought was a bad shot, I got a strike or a great count!  This ball has the carry through I really needed.  WOW.  I am so glad I got this ball.  My average presently is around 145.  It can only go up from there.  Thanks Ebonite!  You have done it again.


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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2005, 10:04:13 AM »
I only got my new ball the V2 Sweet on sunday at Tamworth and i had it drilled so that it turns early and gives me a challenge, i was recomened this ball and it is so smooth and it has a high reaction rate, i had to adjust so much, as i would bowl it over 40th board across 2nd/ 3rd arrow and it curved smoothly right back in to brooky. It is a great ball, i am so glad i got it. Even when i put a bad ball down it would still come straight back into pocket.I cant wait to bowl in the Gand Prix Doubles with it as i know it is gonna bring me loads of luck.
It is a great Ball and i would recomemnd it, and it is suited for light to medium oil conditions.

Mike Dias

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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2005, 02:00:55 AM »
If you're looking for a strong pearl reactive, this is it.  This is by far the strongest of my pearl reactives.  It still hooks less than most solid reactives (black V2), and has the pearl reactive skid in the front of the lane.  When you have some dry in the mid-lane and the volume of oil is not too high, this ball is a great choice.  I shot a 300 with this ball in a PBA pattern league, bowling on the "E" pattern, right up the ditch.  This ball helped me to take maxmimum advantage of that pattern and a PBA Regional pattern a few weeks later (another hooking pattern, but 3rd-4th arrow), where I shot 815 in the middle games of qualifying.  With drier mid-lanes, this ball just opens up the lane.  The ball is very strong at the back on these patterns, so you can get deep on the lane if you need to.

Mike Dias
Coach's Corner Pro Shops


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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2006, 01:13:51 AM »
mike said it best, "if you want a strong pearl reactive, this is it!" this is an awesome ball for medium lane conditions. i have mine drilled pin above and right of ring with the cg stacked below, and an x hole in the thumb quadrant. this ball is long and strong. shot 244 second game with this ball, it is great for broken down lanes, and some house shots, but not the one they put out tonight at the house i bowl at. otherwise, i give this ball a 9 out of 10.
Great ball by Ebonite!

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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2006, 03:34:44 AM »
ok...well, ive thrown this ball on just about any condition ive seen so far, and this could possibly be my one ball arsenal for most house shots. it can handle a med/heavy shot(for me) just by playing down and in and a slower speed. over the past 3 weeks, i have not shot UNDER 630 with this ball. like i said earlier, this ball is flat out amazing!!! i average about 190 at an old wood lane house in which the lanes are at least 40-50 years old!!!the ball also pretty much ignores carrydown, unless i put the ball into it, then it just holds the line. ive never been happier with a ball than i have the v2 sweet! again great ball by Ebonite, and i would recommend this ball to anyone!



STORM is just the step-brother of Roto-Grip.
You can never decide which one is best!

"Do, or do not. There is no try." Yoda
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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2006, 01:19:56 AM »
Speed here, even though i've been a member of this site for quite sometime, this is my first real "ball review", so bare with me...

WHY DID YOU BUY THIS BALL?: I was looking for a strong reactive cover base to offer great length and exceptional backend motion for chasing the oil line in the 3rd game of a set or when an excessive amount of dry boards is playable.

BALL SPECS/ LAYOUT: Ball was 15 2oz with 2 1/4oz of topweight and a 3'-4' pin.
I'm not a driller so i won't bother with technical aspects of the actual layout - simply put, the pin was an inch above the bridge with the cg kicked a good 40 degrees.  When I initially threw the ball it was way more ball than i expected/ was looking for, so i sprung for a flare decreasing weight hole that was just left of my pap. (i'll post a pic when i get a chance)

REACTION: Needless to say, with this layout, give the ball any dry boards to work with and it FLAT OUT MOVES.  The carry/drive on this thing is sickening (solid 4's and 9's  were in abundance). This ball has its place in ones "arsenal" but be aware of when you should and shouldn't be using this ball, when the lanes give away the pocket this ball will destroy, when accuracy is key forget about it.

CRED: I'd like to send a special shout out to Will at the Bowlers ER proshop inside River Rand Bowl in Des Plaines IL for the excellent job he did with the drilling/layout.
                                                          - latter


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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2006, 02:13:35 PM »
Last week I rolled my FIRST 600 series with my V2 Sweet.  And my high game for the season 238.  While that may not be real high for some, it was for me.  I had left bowling for 15 years and returned last summer.  I've worked my way up to a 163 average from a 129.  And yesterday I rolled my second 600 series with the Sweet.  It is an awesome bowling ball.  Lots of control with it, even on 10 pin shots (for right handers).  I would highly recommend this ball to someone wanting to improve their game!  Wonderful on light and medium oil conditions.  


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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2006, 01:01:50 AM »
I've had this ball for a couple of weeks now and thought I'd let people know what I thought of it.

I throw between 18-20 mph, with medium revs, ball is OOB finish, and drilled stack lev.

The V2 sweet is a very consistant ball. No trickery here, no special needs, it will hit tight, or hit from the outside, very predictable. If I had to complain about anything it would have to be the fact that it doesn't hit all that hard. It's a solid hit, but not the type of hit that turns heads when you hit the pocket, I really thought with the cover/core combo it would devastate the pocket, it doesn't and I leave a lot of 7 pins when I roll it.

Still an overall great ball and I recommend grabbing one if you find one used in your local pro shop, it's worth the redrilling price, and should easily fit into your arsenal if you are looking for a medium oil ball.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls

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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2007, 01:04:52 PM »
Just got this ball a couple days ago off ebay for $40 and it was well worth it! I was looking for a ball that I could use on fresh oiled shots that goes long then starts hooking on the backend for when the lanes won't allow my Action max to play straight or deep. This ball I tried on dry lanes and it will not work inless you bowl over 18MPH. I was sliding my left foot into the gutter and throwing it out to the right gutter and it still went high flush in the pocket.

I thought I done got a ball that hooks to much (for what I want, cause trust me I like playing deep but you can't always). So the people that was beside us left and they left the lanes on for unlimited games and I switched to them because they had some oil on them. I was standing about the center and dropping the ball about 3 boards away from the gutter and it went straight then just hooked on the backend, hits very hard and the ball is very under rated. Its just what I expected once I got to some heavier oil.

Great ball, the only problem that I have with this ball is on the dry lanes it will cut very hard on the backend and you will hit the pocket soild but leave the 9 pin alot, mostly because the ball is turning very late on the backend I suppose, but on some fresh oiled lanes this ball is very easy to control and hits quite hard, considering what the ball is rated on and what I have read on review forums.

Great ball for anyone who likes to play straight with some backend or someone needing a ball that they can play straight with once the lanes get to tight to make a good shot with a dramatic hook, like me.


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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2007, 12:31:21 PM »
I have a 15lb V2 sweet.  This ball is amazing how much it hooks.  It is rated only a 125 or something on the perfect scale but it is more like a 220.  This ball is crazy!!!! I love how much this ball moves, it starts arcing midlane and NEVER stops.  The only con on this ball is that it has so much hook it cuts a little early sometimes and leaves the 9 pin standing.  This ball is great for heavy oil.  It put up a good match to my epx t1 and my arsenal angular.  This is a great ball and would recommend it to anyone.  I would give this ball a 10/10 for hook and 8/10 for hitting power.  overall a 9/10.

I bowl between 16-17mph with a lot of hand

My current arsenal:
Columbia Action Packed
Columbia Epx T1
Dynothane Anomaly
Ebonite Tidal Wave Wipeout
Storm Tropical Storm
Track Arsenal Angular
Track Sheer Havoc

Previous Balls i have owned:
Brunswick Fury
Columbia Action Attack
Ebonite V2 Sweet
Track Robo Rule

Balls Bowled with:
Columbia Action
Columbia Action Max
Dynothane Threshold
Ebonite Angular One
Ebonite Xcel Pearl
Ebonite Stinger 2 piece
Elite PBA Scorpion
Morich Awesome Hook
Storm Double Agent
Storm Hot Rod Super Sport
Solution Power Plus EX
Storm Trauma Response
Track Arsenal Artillery
Track Equation 2
Track Machine
Track Rule Delta
Track Xception

lil jimmy

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Re: Vortex 2 Sweet
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2009, 01:50:44 AM »

Hello all!

Here's a video i made that reviews the,

Ebonite - V2 Sweet!

Feel free to post any comments/have your own opinion!

- James Banfield