Drilled - Pin right of the Ring finger, Cg in the palm, small X-hole.
Sanded the coverstock to a smoother 1000grt wet sand.
For those rare occasions when the sanded V2 wasnt rolling early enough, out comes the Vortex 2 Particle. Again, Ebonite uses the great core of the V2, this time in a stronger particle cover. Dont expect a booming backend, this one revs early, revs hard, and ARCS to the pocket. The carry is outstanding, given theres alot of front oil to keep it going.
If your a V2 fan, get this one to compliment your arsenal. Polishing this ball will give you a similar look to a shiny V2 but with an even smoother breakpoint. Very strong, very consistant, very good addition.
Xeno Garcia
Ebonite Regional Staff