Why was this ball discontinued again?
First impression upon opening box. "What is this ugly burnt up yellow piece of ball baked in trunk crap!", (received from a fellow Ball reviews poster from a HOT weather state.)
After going to pro shop and checking top weight, "oh crap no top weight!" Another Vortex II with no top weight" I'm hosed! My soft speed and medium revs do not match up well with a super low rg core and no top weight.
After plugging and polishing some of the yellow out. "Well doesn't look that bad, hmmm"
After drilling 5 1/4 by 4, pin above ring finger(a different drilling for me), and sanding to 1000 and then polishing with some Black Magic! "Maybe the weaker pin position will get it down the lane!?"
After cheking side and top weight and finger and finding virtually none I think umm, another wasted Vortex experiment!
After throwing first time with 1000 grit surface, I see hook hook hook hook, snap split! I consider dumpster.
Coach recommends weighthole on negative bottom position to raise top and add positive side!
UMMM, I think let's get crazy and try 2000 sand and then About a 5 minute black magic treatment!
Now we are talking. Moderately heavily oiled senior tournament shot.
Most bowlers using Champs to Demolition Zones or Mojos. You get the picture!
I bowl good with the Virus(strong ball) standing 22 small swing over 11.
I switch to Vortex II pearl and go split split split and end up standing 25 for first strike. Quickly throw about 12 in a row, 7 pin and then 5 more!!
What I see, rev, rev, rev, rev, rev,rev, rev, lots of skid, quicko chango direction o, roll right right right, smash!
I was all over the alley from 11 to 15, I'm hardly ever this inaccurate and couldn't do anything but strike!
I've done well with Ebonite stuff like the Pantera(slightly higher rg). In the past! However I've hardly ever taken a ball to this high of a polish!
It seemed to offset the incredibly early rev characteristics of the ball.
The ball floated thru the heads and its incredible amount of early revs pared off the speed as the ball approached the breakpoint, sharp angular and then a lot of lateral roll and angle in to the pocket! All the things you've heard about this strong core are true, it is a lot of strong stuff!
Took out my strong turning Dynamic groove and it really labored pointing up 10 a bit. though it could strike the Vortex II's revs controlled the breakpoint much better.
This may be a better step up from the Dynamic groove in strength than the Virus and that is saying a lot.
I'll keep you posted!
The feeling I have with this ball is one must really let it fly, and zing it out there with freedom to make it work! ONe has to give it speed and width and then it's strong core will take over. Probably stronger than all other pearls!
PS closest reaction I have seen is my leverage drilled Violet 3D hammer but obviously the Hammer is more controlled, as it has less skid and a litte more even roll.
PPS Luckylefty learns something about coverstock, combined with super low rgs!