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Author Topic: Vortex III  (Read 10956 times)


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Vortex III
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
The specifications of the Vortex III are: Factory Finish: 800 grit sanded TPS particle resin; Color: Royal Blue; Core Shape: Nitro R2; RG Rating (actual): 2.54 (16 lb.), 2.53 (15 lb.), 2.53 (14 lb.); Differential (actual): .044 (16 lb.) .047 (15 lb.) .049 (14 lb.); Length: scale 1 to 10 (early to late) with factory finish: 2.0; Backend: scale 1 to 10 (least to most): 11.2; Overall Hook: scale 1 to 23 (least to most) dull/shiny: 22.7 dull/13.6 shiny; Hook Style: medium length with strong, controlled backend.


Tony Glickley

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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Hey Ryan,

Good to have a Staff Member on here giving his reads on the new equipment! Can't wait to throw all the new goodies! thanks Tony

Paul Meyer

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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Another excellent ball by Ebonite at a reasonable price range. Mine was drilled 4x4 and shined using Black Magic. This ball does exactly what the manufacturer says it will do, clean through fronts and strong hard arc in the backend. Definitely a hard hitting ball. Well worth the money. I feel that this ball out carries the Vortex I hands down. My Vortex I tended to ping, and leave tens if the backend wasn't crispy.


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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
There are two kinds of bowlers in this world, weekend and truly good. If you are a weekend bowler, buy this ball and take notes from someone who is truly good. You'll be whopin' them in about six weeks. This ball is fantastic! It dosen't matter what your style is. Drill it, move left, (or right) 4 boards and let it fly. Keep the ball speed up and the induced revs down, this ball revs-up as much as the old Nitro R2 all by itself, then it flips and destroys all the maple in the back. Truly a devistating piece of equipment for synthetic lanes regardless of oil conditions. Wood lanes however, require more speed and twice as much oil. Rev it, crank it, stroke it, it dosen't matter. Mine is drilled from pattern #5 with 1/4oz. out for legalities. 680 out of the box, it took 4 frames to figure out! Definately THE BEST BALL Ebonite has produced since the R2, bar NONE!

Thanks Ebonite.

Bowlers Alley

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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2001, 12:10:03 AM »
Drilled this ball with the pin 4-1/2" from axis and the cg 5"from axis,leaving it box finish.On the fresh league condition,with freshback ends the ball was great,not over reacting on the back end,but on th later league condition,when the heads had started to go away,it was way too early,therefore nothing on the back end.Shined it for 5 minutes in my lustre king,which made it very good for both conditions.It still doesnt over react on the early condition,and now it has a better chance on the later condition,provided there is something left in the heads.Overall,a very good ballfrom ebonite at a great price.

matt smith

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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2001, 01:28:52 AM »

i dont know much about the drill pattern on this one (sorry) but i do know that it is drilled leverage. i have had this ball now for about 3 months and have put between 100 and 150 games on it. i have used this on a variety of conditions; top hat;christmas tree, and so on. this ball is a very consistant performer. it is one of those balls that is not nesseceraly the first ball out of your bag but is always the consistant ball to use when you need to stay solid. a very good ball for the price. i have above average revs and what is considered average speed, and even with the leverage drilling this ball i very controlable. dont get me wrong this ball hooks a heap but you never find it over or under reacting. i mean, if you overreact you go high in the pocket, and if you under react you get a light hit at the worst(but no ball is perfect!!....yet :P ) i have left my vortex 3 in box condition, had it resurfaced 3 times and have lost no signs of life frim this ball. Ebonite seems to be right on the money with the TPS coverstock, it is durable, consistant and reliable.

good work ebonite, another great ball to add to your long list. keep 'em coming. i give this ball a 8.5 out of 10.

m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/


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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2002, 01:24:59 PM »
Master Of Lanes

This ball is a great ball for any lane condition, but the best control would be on medium oil. the lighter the oil, the more the hook, the more the oil, the less the hook, so keep that in mind.
reply or e-mail. keep bowling! ebonite rules!


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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2002, 05:06:37 PM »
I bought this ball a little over a year ago, and had it drilled to rev up early and deliver a strong continuous backend.  I am a high speed/low rev stroker and when i threw this ball I would smother the reaction with my speed.  But when I slow my ball speed down this ball revs early off my hand and has a smooth midlane reaction and a hard, crushing backend.
   Overall I think this ball would be better suited for someone with more revolutions than me.  However how can you judge a ball that H.I.T.S like the V3 does? 8.5 outta 10.


Go McKendree Bearcats!!!!


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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2002, 08:17:25 PM »
I'm sure you've all heard this from other people that this is one of the best bowling balls you can buy and it's great for all land conditions.  I couldn't agree more that this is a great bowling ball.  I bought this ball in September of 2001 and picked it up on October 1, 2001.  The next day I went bowling after school and I shot my first 600 series right out of the box.  I previously threw an Ebonite Puma and I also threw and still throw an Ebonite Maxim.  With the Ebonite Puma which I bought in March of 1999, I struggled big time and having problems with the ball over hooking and then when I did reduce the hook the ball would not carry.  I didn't notice this with my Vortex III ball.  I shot 654 in my first 600 series but that was in open bowling.  Then two weeks later in my league I shot a 694 which was my first league 600 series.  I've heard a lot about this ball wearing down and not hooking as much.  I've owned this ball for 6 months now and this ball has the same reaction it did when I first bought it.  How I kept it in good shape was I constantly wiped it off, cleaned it with the Power House Energizer Cleaner, and soaked it in hot tap water about every other week.  After a few series or so, I also used the Ebonite Power House Quick Sand by wiping the ball with a paper towel when using the Quick Sand so that the sand doesn't get onto my regular towel and then I don't sand any of my polished balls.  I notice no difference in the amount of reaction though my cover is worn down and scratched up a bit so I have to take it in and get it resurfaced.  I have well over 100 games on this ball already and I've never gotten the ball stuck in the machine once since I bought it and that includes every single time I've bowled.  So if you just take the proper care of it by wiping the ball off before each shot and cleaning it with a ball cleaner since you don't have to soak it in water like I do, the ball should hook plenty.  I recommend however that you get the ball resurfaced once a year if you're a weekend bowler or just a league night bowler but if you're a bowler who plays in more than one league during the same time of year and/or practice by open bowling a lot, I suggest you get it resurfaced at least 2 times a year.  Remember all balls should be cleaned after each use!

When I switched from the Puma to the Vortex, it was after week 3 in my league and I shot a 452 after a 550 & 549 the first two weeks with good spare shooting and the 3rd week I had no spare shooting.  This time the problem was the ball not hooking enough.  I think what this proves is the Puma is obviously not a good ball for me and probably not a good one for a lot of other people.  My average was 172 through 3 weeks.  Two weeks later I was 186 but I dropped down to as low as 181 but I have climbed back up to 187 all of the sudden.  If it weren't for the first 3 weeks, I could be over 190 and I was 169 last season.  What I've noticed is this ball is very forgiving if you don't hit the pocket.  You won't get as many splits if it goes through the center.  With other balls especially reactives, you get a lot of bad breaks but they're all great if you can just hit the pocket.  This ball has worked great for me and I really recommend this ball to just about everyone.
Owner of a Vertex Mold 1/2 HP.


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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2003, 10:47:03 PM »
inconsistent on oil,much better on track shot
when big recovery.


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Re: Vortex III
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2007, 02:52:51 AM »
One man's trash is another man's treasure - I'm sure you've heard this before...

All I can say is that it's the ball I use when my Ultimate Inferno is getting too strong. Much like the UI it doesn't over-react, an it fits nicely under it.  I don't have to make many adjustments in league play, I can roll the same line for a long time.  The carry is phenomenal!!  

My last series with it was when I brought it with me just playing around at the end of the league last year - ended up with a 675, go figure

Brunswick preferably, but always open to others ...all in league rotation

For oil:
Brunswick Ultimate Inferno
Ebonite Vortex III TPS
For medium:
Ebonite Total NV
Hammer Doom Raw Hammer
For dry:
AMF Maximum Velocity
Rotogrip Super Sonic
For spares:
Brunswick Plastic Rhino