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Author Topic: Whirl Wind  (Read 10240 times)


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Whirl Wind
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Color: Navy/Bronze

Reactions: For the entry level league player that is looking for more performance, the Whirlwind offers nice backend ball motion.

Coverstock: Big Bangâ„¢ XL reactive resin polished with Powerhouseâ„¢ Factory Finish ball polish

Core: Symmetrical light bulb shaped core with flip block

Length: 12.25
Hook: 27.25
Break Point Angle : 7.00
Mass Bias Rating : 0.001



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Re: Whirl Wind
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2006, 10:37:41 AM »
I have had this ball for 6 weeks now. I must say this ball is stronger than is posted. the pin is above ring. 4 1/2 away from pap. This ball makes a very nice move on the back end. I have used this ball on 2 different Bowling centers. The 1st one 36 feet buff to 40. clean backends. wow. 2 34 feet buff to 38 dirty backends. Very nice control move to the pocket. I am standing 18 laying the ball on 15 out to 8 board and very nice move to the pocket.14.5 to 15 mph with med revs. I think this maybe on of there sleeper balls. The last week center 2 shot 724 and center 1 689 all with in the last 4 days and i plan on using it tonight again in center 2.I have found out with this ball the more hand you use the more the reaction it has on the backend.
glenn simmons


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Re: Whirl Wind
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2006, 12:19:49 AM »
this ball is a monster! i've drilled 5 for customers so far and one for myself. one customer even drilled a 2nd one already( shot 760 on monday, then 759 the next day w/ it) we have a wet/dry house shot, so i layed mine out w/ a 4in pin under my ring finger w/ the cg at 3 in. this ball reacts stronger in my opinion than the 7 rating by ebonite. i also drilled a no-limit and the whirlwind has more length and a stronger move off the spot. a great value for the money

Jeff Ussery

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Re: Whirl Wind
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2006, 02:00:56 PM »
Pin to PAP Distance: 4 1/8"
Preferred Spin Axis to PAP Distance: 7 1/4"
Balance Hole: None
Surface Preparation: Box Condition
What I Was Looking For in this Ball and Layout:

Looking for a ball to lazily arc going down the lane, I chose to layout this Whirlwind in a simple "over the label" type of layout. I wanted the ball to get through the front easily and just arc all the way down the lane.
What I Ended Up With in this Ball and Layout:

No surprises in the front end reaction of the Whirlwind. I've yet to see a lane condition that I can't get this ball through the heads. As I found with the No Limit, the Big Bang reactive coverstocks get through the heads easily and delay transition for the middle and backend of the lane.
Here is where the key lies in the ball reaction I was hoping for. I wanted a ball that reacted soft off of the end of the oil pattern. I used a more aggressive pin position than normal in combination with an extremely long PSA location. By moving the PSA so far away from my positive axis point, I've created an incredibly smooth backend reaction in the Whirlwind. I also purposely chose a layout that would not require a weight hole, as I didn't want to open up the flare rings too much on this ball.
The Whirlwind performs exactly as I wanted and exactly as advertised. This is a great reaction for most players to go to in league situations or in the middle of longer format tournaments. The Whirlwind is one of those balls that I feel I can go to when the lanes are tougher and I'm really not seeing my ball reaction very well. In overall hook, the Whirlwind is certainly stronger than both of the Black Ice balls I've reviewed. But it is also an obvious step down in total hook from the One and Time series balls.

Length from 1-10 (Early to Late)

Breakpoint Move from 1-10 (Smooth to Sharp)

Overall Hook from 1-10 (Low to High)

To see a picture of this ball layout, please visit my website at

Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics


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Re: Whirl Wind
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2006, 02:41:23 AM »
pin next to the ring finger with the cg in the center between the fingers and the thumb.

i was expecting that with this layout it will roll longer and will give me a smooth entry to the pocket. what i got a is a massive backend hook that travels 10 boards out so it will find the pocket just about right. but when it does find the pocket pins are flying all over. our wood lane is about 36 feet of oil and has a heavy backend most of the time med oily condition. i was really surprise how heavy this ball comesback but for the price its worth using.


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Re: Whirl Wind
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2007, 12:53:08 PM »
i have found that when you use this ball for awhile, it soaks up a lot of oil and quits reacting.  I've taken it and soaked it in hot water (with Dawn dishwashing liquid) and then it performed like it did when it was new.

This is the best ball i've ever owned


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Re: Whirl Wind
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 12:53:32 AM »
This is my first fingertip ball and my first ball as an adult.  I used to bowl leagues as a junior, but have only picked the game back up in the last 3 weeks.

The pin is slightly at about 1 o'clock on ring finger with the CG between the fingers and the thumb.  I'm probably a stroker, starting the ball about 4-5 boards in on the right.

I picked the ball up this past Saturday and the first 7 games with this ball averaged ~125.  I had trouble getting the hang of a proper release and speed.  I did some reading and watched a few videos.  Tonight I rolled a 230, 131 and finished with a 201 for a 562.  That is only the 2nd and 3rd time I've made it past 200 - the first time was over 15 years ago when I still bowled weekly.

I think the ball is very forgiving with less than ideal hits on the pocket.  The pin action is fantastic and helps rack up the X's.  It is also easy to pick up spares.  Tucking the pinky a kicking up the revs makes picking up 10 pins less of a hassle.

For my first "real" ball and first fingertip ball I am nothing but smiles.  I'd recommend this to any new bowler making the jump to a performance ball.
I shoot bowling pins, too!!!

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Whirl Wind
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2007, 12:00:39 AM »
I decided to drill this beauty up with the "Rico" Drill. I took it over to the high scoring house in town. Unfortunately, they had the DG in from Kegel who maintenance the machine. They have since gone to a short, light oil, with huge and I mean huge hook, back end and recovery kind of shot. If you have no hand you are in heaven.

The ball:

Kudos. The Whirl Wind responded well and turned hard. For a moment I thought it was my Smash time pearl. Teh roll was even and controlled, but with revs it jumped of the back like a tank.

The second House shot: The WW played much better and rolled more even through out. The carry was a plus and the hitting power comparable to my TNV and STP.

Definitely a keeper in the bag as I played the trickier patterns and most typical house patterns with this drilling.

I will be returning to the dryer shot and break the shine of the WW to get a quicker roll and less motion of the back. I will keep you up top date on this move.
FB Pro Shop
Bowlers Map

"See my vise as it rolls down the can't it revs too much"