As promised, here's re-review of the Wildcat with a different drill.
Of course, since this ball has been discontinued this will only help those of you picking this ball up off of eBay or closeout.
First the specs:
2 1/2 TW
2" pin
After the over/under adventures I had with the first drill (4 1/2 X 5), I tried something that would work with the Wildcat's early rolling tendencies. To tame the ball down, I put the CG on the PAP. This put the pin 2" from the PAP 30 degrees from the midline. I sanded the cover to 600 and finished it off with Quick Cut.
This is much batter. The ball starts to rev up just past the arrows and has a more of a banana look than before. I tried this ball on two conditions, 35' top hat (house) and a 37' Christmas tree (sport). On the top hat, I didn't have to jump 20 boards and swing it. With the smooth look to the ball, I was able to play around 10 and loop the dry. There was enough hook to stay in the oil, but smooth enough to hit the dry without overreaction.
On the Christmas tree, I got a even,predictable reaction that hid early mistake with the early roll.
This is a much better layout for this ball. The original cover/core with a length layout didn't work for me. This is much better and will make for a nice house specific ball for me.