I have a barely used Ebonite NVS.Less than 10 games on it.Light 15lbs.Perfect shape.Span is a tad over 4"Has a pinky hole.First drill.No track.Beautiful ball.PICS:http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l111/BDC570/PICT0271.jpghttp://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l111/BDC570/PICT0270.jpghttp://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l111/BDC570/PICT0269.jpgI'm looking to trade for other 15lb or 14lb equipment. Not looking to sell, sorry.Heres what I am looking for, but not limited to:AMF Nighthawk Pearl (the new one)Roto-Grip CellRoto-Grip Epic BattlePlease shoot me some offers... but NO STORM PRODUCTS PLEASE!Equipment of near equal value &/or condition would be greatly appreciated.If the offer is right, I will trade 2 for 1.--------------------ChaseLindenwood University Alumnus2005 Intercollegiate Bowling Champion