I have a mission 2.0 for trade anyone interested
On Edit -- moved to correct forum
Edited by Ballreviews on 2/28/2011 at 9:36 PM
There is a wanted/for sale forum for this kind of post. Please use it so the regular forums don't get clogged up.
Penn State Proud
Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive
trade for single drill Dynamo ?
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Current Arsenal:
Lane # 1 Dynamo @ 500
Storm Dimension @ 2000
Storm Hy-Road @ 4000, shined
Columbia Freeze
Spare Ball
15 lbs? I have a SD Prodigy, SD Midnight Vibe, and SD 916AT. Any interest?
I have a
Brunswick Wild card S/D
900 Global Break point peral
Hammer Onyx vibe
Ogre urethane
Roto Grip Neptune
Lane Masters Terminator
storm thunderstruck S/D
Approach the game with no preset agendas and you'll probably come away surprised at your overall efforts.
Douche bags need not apply!
Any pics of the prodigy
I have a 15#, Pure Physics ?
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Current Arsenal:
Hammer Taboo @ 2000
Storm Dimension @ 2000
Storm Hy-Road @ 4000, shined
Columbia Freeze
Spare Ball
Intersted. I have a single drill Prodigy and mutant cell and invasion. Let me know
any pics of the prodigy
send to dragracerkv@suddenlink.net
I have a 15lb Track 607a (fingers plugged for a span change)
PM sent.
Trade for a Single drill Pure Physics ?
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Current Arsenal:
Hammer Taboo @ 2000
Storm Dimension @ 2000
Storm Hy-Road @ 4000, shined
Columbia Freeze
Spare Ball
Yes, what would you like in return? I have a 916AT or a Columbia Ransom, both SD
I have a SD Mutant Cell Pearl, and a SD Anaconda.. Let me know if your interested..
what ball would you like in trade for the Mission 2.0?