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Author Topic: PRICE DROP!!! FOR SALE!!!! NIB V2 Sandeds and NIB original Gamebreakers and other gems  (Read 7659 times)


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V2 sanded--pin 2-3--$250

V2 sanded--pin 3-4--$250

Gamebreaker--pin 2-3--$250

Gamebreaker--pin 3-4--$250

Gamebreaker--Pin 3-4--$250


Infinite One--$130

Smashtime Solid--$120

Smashtime Solid--$120

Original Tomohawk--$80

V2 Strong/R--$150

Smashtime Pearl--$200

Smashtime Pearl--$200 


all of the above listed balls are 15lbs


16lb Paradigm Domination--$120


Now all of these are single span is 4 7/8 total span


V2 Sweet--5 games--$80

Complete NV--2 games--$80

Mission 2.0--30-35 games--$50

Mission--50-60 games--$40

Playmaker--2 games--$60

V2 Clean--5-10 games--$60

RXS300--10-15 games--$50

Momentum Swing-60 games-$40

Momentum Swing--20 games--$45

Momentum Swing--10 games--$60 


Used bowling ball package....all are single drill

Columbia Cool Noize--20 games

Columbia Sharp Noize--5-10 games 

Columbia Bedlam--5 games (its scratched up from being left in my trunk, nothing a resurface wont fix though.)

Columbia Freeze--5 games 

ALL OF THIS FOR $160 (Including Shipping)


All of the above listed prices include shipping to wherever you want them shipped and every ball is 15 lbs so please do not send me messages asking for weights. I also have no way of sending pictures. I do not get on here often so you're best bet to get a hold of me if interested is via email or text me (DO NOT CALL) 301-908-6328

Matt Gasn
Webber International University
Jr Team USA 2011

Edited by Mgasn on 2/26/2011 at 4:47 PM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/26/2011 at 4:50 PM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/26/2011 at 4:55 PM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/27/2011 at 10:08 AM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/27/2011 at 10:11 AM
Edited by Mgasn on 3/24/2011 at 10:47 AM



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Brand new Gamebreakers on Ebay right now for $142 shipped.


"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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the ones on ebay are the re-released gamebreaker


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exactly...I have the originals

Matt Gasn
Webber International University
Jr Team USA 2011


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Remakes are the same core, same cover, same thing as original.  

rsm300 wrote on 3/2/2011 9:48 PM:
the ones on ebay are the re-released gamebreaker


"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Mgasn wrote on 3/3/2011 11:51 AM:
exactly...I have the originals

Matt Gasn
Webber International University
Jr Team USA 2011


"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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You think you know so much, why don't you ask anyone who bought the original One and then the re release of the One a few years later from Ebo. Most said it was not even close to the same ball.


Brunswick remade some DZs, Teal Rhinos, several Quantums. Guess what, different reactions.


Just because the material is the same, core is the same, etc, the machine making them could be a different line as Ebo has several lines. What if one machine is pouring the material at a slightly hotter temp? What if a manufacturing process changes since the original batch a few years (or many years) ago? There are MANY reasons a ball could be completely different. Heck, I have seen balls from different runs just a few months apart have a complete different feel and reaction.....this is years later.


Remakes are nice, but most of the time, there is nothing like an original!




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Just wanted to point out, if my memory is correct, The One and the Encore to The One were 2 different came polished and the other came at 4000 Abralon....Not that I am agreeing with these prices and the comment about the machines being different could be the same with the original GameBreakers or any ball....I am sure the companies have more than 1 machine pouring these balls and cores. So even the same release of a ball at the exact same time could be different...


Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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good point, but that is surface prep only. Remember the Super Carbide Bomb from Lane 1, which was a dull high load particle released back in 01 or 02? When USBC said nothing over .060 diff but all previous balls were grandfathered in, they could not produce any more new balls not already approved. Lane 1 said the ball was identical, just one was polished and the other dull. Identical core, identical cover material, etc. Surface prep is just that, surface prep and not a construction difference between balls. Now, if one had a wrap and the other did not around the core, then yes, they are different models. Everything here was identical except for the surface pre, which one spin on the spinner could have made them identical.




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FYI, know enough to know better than to pay $300 for an original Gamebreaker and most others that know anything at all will also.




3835 wrote on 3/4/2011 1:24 PM:


You think you know so much, why don't you ask anyone who bought the original One and then the re release of the One a few years later from Ebo. Most said it was not even close to the same ball.


Brunswick remade some DZs, Teal Rhinos, several Quantums. Guess what, different reactions.


Just because the material is the same, core is the same, etc, the machine making them could be a different line as Ebo has several lines. What if one machine is pouring the material at a slightly hotter temp? What if a manufacturing process changes since the original batch a few years (or many years) ago? There are MANY reasons a ball could be completely different. Heck, I have seen balls from different runs just a few months apart have a complete different feel and reaction.....this is years later.


Remakes are nice, but most of the time, there is nothing like an original!




"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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HAHAHA!!!  $300 for a ball.  Are these Lane #1 balls?  Also the gamebreaker went for $120 new.  Does Jr Team USA know your commiting highway robbery?


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I am not defending his prices, as I would not pay that for 2 balls undrilled. However, this is a free market and he can ask whatever he wants to ask for them. However, I was merely pointing out that simply because they say the ball is the same, does NOT make them the same.




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We'll find out how close they are to the originals once they are released to the public and the public has had a chance to throw them. Right now there are none in my area and it appears only a select few have any, so it is too early to judge. Once the ball is out and widely distributed, we will see if it IS  or IS NOT as good as the original. Until then, you are in no position to say that the remake is not the same as the original.


As for his prices, you are correct in saying it is a free market and he can ask what ever he wants to ask for them. However, I was merely pointing out that few if anyone will pay that unless it would be someone that didn't know better.

3835 wrote on 3/4/2011 5:30 PM:


I am not defending his prices, as I would not pay that for 2 balls undrilled. However, this is a free market and he can ask whatever he wants to ask for them. However, I was merely pointing out that simply because they say the ball is the same, does NOT make them the same.




"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Funny how you can point out that until the remakes are released that I can't say they are not the same. Don't you think that then you are in no position to say they are the same either for the very same reason?


And for giggles, look back on the last 3 Ebonite rereleases. The year they produced 2 balls from their past, the Nirto R2 and the Puma? They hype was here we go, great balls, and they both flopped because the reactions were not what folks expected who had used the originals. Re release The One, and guess what, same deal.


When researching a thesis, you look for germinal and secondary data to support your hypothesis. My hypothesis is the ball will be different reacting and I have thoughts and reviews from indivduals on the past 3 Ebonite re releases that back the hypothesis. After three in a row, one would conclude re releases differ in some ways.


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Reading is a skill. If you will go back and READ you will find that I said...."Remakes are the same core, same cover, same thing as original" where did I say the performance would be exactly the same as the original. Funny yourself how you can say it will be different just because something else in the past was different.....and maybe it will be different and you will end up being right, who knows? However until it is out and available for all to see and judge and not just yourself, you don't really know it will be different, you're just assuming so because something else in the past was different. Further discussion of this is fruitless until the ball is out and available for everyone to try, so this is my last post on this Gamebreaker remake subject until that time.....I'll leave it to you to have the last word here if it makes you feel better.


"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"