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Author Topic: PRICE DROP!!! FOR SALE!!!! NIB V2 Sandeds and NIB original Gamebreakers and other gems  (Read 7658 times)


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V2 sanded--pin 2-3--$250

V2 sanded--pin 3-4--$250

Gamebreaker--pin 2-3--$250

Gamebreaker--pin 3-4--$250

Gamebreaker--Pin 3-4--$250


Infinite One--$130

Smashtime Solid--$120

Smashtime Solid--$120

Original Tomohawk--$80

V2 Strong/R--$150

Smashtime Pearl--$200

Smashtime Pearl--$200 


all of the above listed balls are 15lbs


16lb Paradigm Domination--$120


Now all of these are single span is 4 7/8 total span


V2 Sweet--5 games--$80

Complete NV--2 games--$80

Mission 2.0--30-35 games--$50

Mission--50-60 games--$40

Playmaker--2 games--$60

V2 Clean--5-10 games--$60

RXS300--10-15 games--$50

Momentum Swing-60 games-$40

Momentum Swing--20 games--$45

Momentum Swing--10 games--$60 


Used bowling ball package....all are single drill

Columbia Cool Noize--20 games

Columbia Sharp Noize--5-10 games 

Columbia Bedlam--5 games (its scratched up from being left in my trunk, nothing a resurface wont fix though.)

Columbia Freeze--5 games 

ALL OF THIS FOR $160 (Including Shipping)


All of the above listed prices include shipping to wherever you want them shipped and every ball is 15 lbs so please do not send me messages asking for weights. I also have no way of sending pictures. I do not get on here often so you're best bet to get a hold of me if interested is via email or text me (DO NOT CALL) 301-908-6328

Matt Gasn
Webber International University
Jr Team USA 2011

Edited by Mgasn on 2/26/2011 at 4:47 PM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/26/2011 at 4:50 PM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/26/2011 at 4:55 PM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/27/2011 at 10:08 AM


Edited by Mgasn on 2/27/2011 at 10:11 AM
Edited by Mgasn on 3/24/2011 at 10:47 AM



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Right on. You said "same thing" as the original. If I walked into a shop and asked for a ball that was the same thing as another ball, would I buy a ball that ended up with a different reaction. The reaction is a portion of the ball and if its different, means they are not the same thing.


As for verifying if the remake is identical to the originals, can anyone confirm if the balls:


Core sizes are identical

Core made out of the same material

Wrap is made out of the same material

Cover is the same thickness

Cover is the same hardness

Cover chemical composition is identical







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3835 wrote on 3/5/2011 11:16 AM:



As for verifying if the remake is identical to the originals, can anyone confirm if the balls:


Core sizes are identical

Core made out of the same material

Wrap is made out of the same material

Cover is the same thickness

Cover is the same hardness

Cover chemical composition is identical






I had posted that I would say no more until the ball is available to all, but since you asked me a question here, I'll respond one last time....

Now in answer to your question here.... when the Gamebreaker becomes available to everyone, your questions will be answered. Check it then and see...


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"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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 The reactions may well have been exactly the same. The balls may have been 100% identical too. There's too many other variables involved as well. Over the years oil viscocity has changed, oil volume has changed. An overdue resurface of the old wood lanes someone plays on could make a huge difference. Just because an original and a remake don't react the same doesn't mean they aren't identical; lots of things come into play.

3835 wrote on 3/5/2011 6:59 AM:
Funny how you can point out that until the remakes are released that I can't say they are not the same. Don't you think that then you are in no position to say they are the same either for the very same reason?


And for giggles, look back on the last 3 Ebonite rereleases. The year they produced 2 balls from their past, the Nirto R2 and the Puma? They hype was here we go, great balls, and they both flopped because the reactions were not what folks expected who had used the originals. Re release The One, and guess what, same deal.


When researching a thesis, you look for germinal and secondary data to support your hypothesis. My hypothesis is the ball will be different reacting and I have thoughts and reviews from indivduals on the past 3 Ebonite re releases that back the hypothesis. After three in a row, one would conclude re releases differ in some ways.


If it smells like chicken, clucks like a chicken, and walks like a chicken...chances are, its a chicken.




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The Game on- how many pounds?


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Just so we can put an end to this conversation, I have drilled both the original and the new remake in the last month and ive drilled them the exact same. Ebonite uses different technology than they did 5 years ago when the gamebreaker came out. These new remakes hook more than the originals do just because the chemicals they put in them are up to date and they therefore make the cover more like a modern day cover which is way stronger than balls 5 years ago. Also the Gamebreakers came out in summer 2007 I believe and the temperature was much hotter than what it is now when they are remaking them. Temperature plays a huge factor in making balls, hence why Brunswick balls made in USA were 100x better than the ones made in Mexico and they've had nothing but trouble since they moved there.  
And these prices are extremely fair especially when these are originals and are nowhere to be found. Obviously none of you are very confident in your bowling. Everything you spend in bowling is an investment. If I didnt have any Gamebreakers right now and I wanted and original I would buy one for $300 if thats what they were going for simply because I know I will make plenty more than that in tournaments I bowl with it because the ball is so good. I Payed $250 for the one I drilled and already made a few grand with the ball.  
While these prices may seem high Ive already sold 2 at this price so I know people are out there who are willing to pay this for an original. Tommy Jones won like 4 tournaments with the smashtime pearls. You dont think he would throw up $250 for one or even $500 for two of them ? Especially if he's confident with them and thinks he has a shot at making money on tour with them....
Just food for thought...or at least another perspective....I get it if your a house bowler and dont want to spend this much but its different when people start bowling for money and to put food on the table... 

Matt Gasn
Webber International University
Jr Team USA 2011


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Bad choice of vocab when I said the New Remakes "hook more". They look like they are earlier and a lot less on the back. Which makes absolute sense if they tried to make the same ball with modern technology...

Matt Gasn
Webber International University
Jr Team USA 2011


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You're certainly welcome to sell equipment for anything you want but I highly doubt you sell anything on here for $250.00.  Have you tried ebay?


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Matt post your v2 balls on ebay they will sell no problem.  I put a v2 sanded up there last month and got 275 for it.  As for the other stuff like the smashtime pearls and smash time solids I would just keep trying to push them on here cause there is no demand for those balls at that price even if they are great balls.  I think you will be able to move most this stuff on ebay a lot easier. 


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yea , i probably will over the summer..

Matt Gasn
Webber International University
Jr Team USA 2011