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Author Topic: Selling the remainder of my Ebonite polishes and compounds from Beans Pro Shop  (Read 968 times)


  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 3144
I am selling the collection of surface changing compounds I have aquired in the shop... All prices are shipped in the USA...

All bottles are 32 oz. bottles


Sand Blaster (7/8 full) $20
Particle Polish (1/2 full) $15
Extender Polish (1/4 full) $10
Matte Finish (1/8 full) $8
Extender Polish (Full) $20
Factory Finish (1/4 full) $10
Ball Cleaner Pump (FULL) $20
Energizer (1/2 full) $15

Buy all for $90 shipped

Neo Tac Compound 400 (2 bottles 1/2 and 1/8 full) $20 for both

Active Attack (3/4 full) $20
(Full) $25

Neo Tac Control It (Full) $25

Ultimate Bowling 1-Step Cleaner/Polish (Full) $25 (2 available)

Neo Tac Renew It (Full) $25

Track Magic Shine (3/4 full) $20

Storm Proacta Shine (1/4 full) $12

Make an offer on the whole lot!!!!!!!


Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 National Sales Manager and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
 Check out current eBay auctions at: Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Own