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Author Topic: WTB a few Ebonite Wolf Series balls  (Read 4050 times)


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WTB a few Ebonite Wolf Series balls
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:56:43 PM »
Still shoring up a full collection to use.    Still have a few I would consider if the condition/price is right.    Prefer low games used and no cracks or weight holes.
 Werewolf Clear 14-16 lb: good condition if possible, willing to go a little higher as this one seems to be harder to find.
 Red Wolf Solid 15-16 lb:   Would look at these, if the price was right,  more just to have in collection if it did not require a lot of work and  had no cracking and condition was good.
 Timberwolf Solid/Pro/Pearl 15-16, would have to be very good condition  no cracks (Mine exploded) and prefer no weight holes if possible.    Pearl as a test ball if the span is close to mine before i drill up a  NIB.   Price I am willing to go Depending on condition/weight hole.
 Werewolf 15-16 lb:   Will still look at these, again would prefer one  without a weight hole if possible.   Price depending on condition and  weight holes.
Do not care much for weight holes in balls, just never had much luck with them and more then likely would just add one more thing that would need to be plugged and take away from the look of the ball or may in some cases between the fingers and weight hole placement may land on track.
PS: this is a collection as well so, trying not to plug and redrill as  much as possible and will try them out in there current configs if  possible to try and keep the original look if at all possible.  
 Would still look at lesser conditions then stated, but would not be  willing to pay much for them at the risk of it becoming clutter if I  decide that its not worth the money/time after purchase.   Being I know  shipping is expensive and in many cases shipping ends up tacking another  20/25 dollars on top of it and would probably put a hard cap around  $30.00 or so including shipping on balls that do not fit the condition  range I am seeking.   LOL Unless you live close to the Rochester NY  area, where pickup would eliminate that issue.  
 Span info from a ball that had a span close to mine was 4 3/4  4 7/8   thumb is 15/16, with 1/2" reverse, 1/4" away seemed to work.
Thanks again all,



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Re: WTB a few Ebonite Wolf Series balls
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2015, 09:56:19 PM »
Got clear werewolf and wolf