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Author Topic: 1st impressions on the Infinite One and SR300 (2 clips are up)  (Read 5326 times)

the pizz

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the clips are nothing spectacular.. but they give an idea.. you can see im further left using the infinite. (about 6 to 7 boards.)

Infinite One - drilled with pin above bridge and bomb placed 1.5-2" right of thumb (parallel). I left it at 500 abralon (OOB) but I shined it up with ebonite factory finish.

This ball has bite on the back end. I was impressed with the continuous movement. I compared it to my One, I stood 7 boards left w/ the infinite. The layouts are not similar but to be able to cover that much more area was great. This ball was very clean through the front. (Fresh 6pm house shot) (billy myers jr says "terrible" LOL)

SR300 - pin above ring finger, bomb 1-1.5" right of thumb (parallel) w/ 6 inch weighthole to make side weight 0. Polished with ebonite factory finish.

This ball was very smooth up front with an arc shape on the back(by drilling design). The ball revved up nicely in the midlane and had plenty of stored energy on the back. I was able to get further right with this ball as it set up nicely in the pocket.

Paul Smith
04/05 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
Ebonite Regional Staff
"Bowl to Win"

Edited on 6/13/2006 3:02 PM

Edited on 6/13/2006 3:03 PM



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Re: 1st impressions on the Infinite One and SR300 (2 clips are up)
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2006, 12:33:49 PM »
Some of you might need to right click and save as to veiw the videos. I had the same problem with just clicking on the link, I did what i explained and had no problems.

Also, sweet video of the Infinate One! My next ball.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanct. Ave. (Ending 2006) 195 (THS)
Below, my stats from previous seasons:

PBA/Sport Highs: Game 225, Series 602.

Edited on 6/14/2006 12:31 PM
Mike Zadler


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Re: 1st impressions on the Infinite One and SR300 (2 clips are up)
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2006, 06:13:03 PM »
To those who couldn't view the clips, you may need to DL a newer codec from DIVX or save as and open in real player.  

The swing planes of the brothers' Smith look very similar, Paul looking like the smoother of the two however.  The SR300 looked awesome.  At first I thought the ball burned a bit early and arced but after viewing about 10 times it was reading the fronts very well and still gave some pop downlane.  Looks like something I may have to invest in.  I just hope it fits in with the slew of Ebo's I'm about to pick up at the end of this month.
Respect the Game

Big Jake

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Re: 1st impressions on the Infinite One and SR300 (2 clips are up)
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2006, 06:21:36 PM »
the pizz your bowling form is excellent...
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...

leftehh- LG

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Re: 1st impressions on the Infinite One and SR300 (2 clips are up)
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2006, 09:12:04 PM »
dl divx codec if you get black screens.
"Bowl to win"


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Re: 1st impressions on the Infinite One and SR300 (2 clips are up)
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2006, 04:54:04 AM »
BTW, you can use dvdate to convert the video to a better format and then use virtualdub for good playback control.

I think the way this guy walks to the line is very interesting.  Good in some ways and bad in others.  I drift right big time.  I'd like to fix that.  I think perhaps I can emulate what appear to be to be the good parts of this guy's footwork to help control my drift.  What I like about his footwork is the way he turns his foot right and keeps it turned right as he steps.  That makes his right foot drift left, automatically avoiding the ball on both the down swing and up swing.  That left drift is then fully compensated by the standard left foot movement to the right (to the center) during the slide step.  But I think he over does it -- to the point where he actually has to move his left foot around his right foot on each step rather than move it straight forward.  In any case, it's both interesting and thought provoking.


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Re: 1st impressions on the Infinite One and SR300 (2 clips are up)
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2006, 05:01:29 AM »
Hi Pizz
Didn't see your vid how is this ball on heavy oil.

Edited on 6/18/2006 4:58 AM