...all of the "One" series overseas. We had...
The One/The One Encore
Big One
Angular One
Infinite One
The One Pearl
Total: 5
If you look overseas, they the above PLUS they got...
The One Pro Edition
Real One
Big One J-Limited
Absolute One
Supreme One
The One Platinum
Total: 6
First off, can somebody verify if the people overseas got the stuff we did? If they did, then why would ebonite release so many Ones that we never got? The One series was pretty popular over here from what I know, so why wouldnt they throw some of the balls over here and see what happens...
Trinity High School "A" Bowling Team
Louisville, KY
State champs- 2002, 2003, and 2008
Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
Louisville, KY
Morehead State University Bowling
Proudly Sponsored by Storm Bowling Products
www.RotoGrip.comEdited on 3/10/2009 0:52 AM
Edited on 3/10/2009 0:54 AM