I am currently using one on a flood. Polished, it was useless. I took it to about 1200-1500 and it is very useable. It is not the hook monster for me as most say it is, but I can stand 25, target 12 and clear the deck. The most impressive thing about this ball for me is the hit and carry. While most others in our house this are plagued with splits and 10 pins (we have terrible kick boards) I am carrying very very well. I am able to go deep if necessary and the ball makes the turn, but I cannot carry from there. So, the ball is so versatile that i can play in or follow the Norm Duke shot without a cover change. Sweet ball. To reitterate, for me it is not the hooker it was cracked up to be, but it'll play anywhere I want it to.
Edited on 12/18/2006 3:56 PM