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Author Topic: All done with Ebo  (Read 15797 times)

Greg T

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All done with Ebo
« on: October 03, 2007, 03:28:46 PM »

 I have been with Ebo for many years and have just made the decision to drop them completely. Although they fit my game to a T I am sick and tired of buying thr to four of the same balls every year. 6 weeks is the max I can get. I now own two perfectly great looking TNVs that turned into twig or spare balls. Cant get them to hook more than 5 boards. Every Ebo I have had in the last 10 years has been the same and I just cannot justify spending this much money anymore.

 The reaction is fanatstic and the carry is excellent for the first 15 to 20 games. Then it's all over. I just pulled mine out tonight after a thorough soaking, cleaning, resurfacing using all the recommended techniques. Even used the powerhouse factory finish. End result.....targeting the 5 board all night and just barely carrying the rack. Anything closely resembling moving inside, even attempting a track shot would result in missing the headpin on the right.

  Don't bother giving me the lectures on the cleaning and upkeep cuz nobody takes better care of their equipment than I do. Period. Ebo is done, Hammer will be my next test.


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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2007, 10:40:19 AM »
Acetone anyone?

Formerly known as KennySkidmore.
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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #62 on: October 17, 2007, 11:21:15 AM »
Acetone anyone?

Formerly known as KennySkidmore.
It's up, but we are still updating!

Bingo...We have a winner !


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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2007, 04:27:26 PM »
Acetone anyone?

Bingo...We have a winner !

Illegal anyone?

I don't care if the rule is dumb or outdated.  Doesn't matter if it's done all the time.  It's illegal.  If you want to use it, make the USBC change it.  



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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #64 on: October 18, 2007, 08:18:33 AM »
doesn't acetone weaken the coverstock?
Mr. 298
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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #65 on: October 19, 2007, 08:45:33 PM »
I've had my TNV since last spring and have about 250 games on it.  For background, I'm a 57-year-old lefty stroker carrying a 220 average on your THS.  Aside from wiping the ball with a microfibre towel after each shot, the only maintenance I've done is a periodic trip home to the dishwasher with the ball.  Initially, I did this after about 75 games when I noticed I was leaving more than my normal share of 7-pins.  An hour in the dishwasher and the ball was like new again.  Since then, I have repeated the process several more times and it's restored the ball each time.  By the way, I have not played with OOB cover.  However, I have noticed that each "washing" doesn't last as long and now I'm bringing it home after only 30 games.  So, soon, I'm going to go get another one but, as you can see, I've gotten a decent amount of use out of it.  By the way, I've loved Ebonite ever since I bought a Mag 10 twenty-five years ago and threw a 827 with it in 1984.

woodz 300

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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #66 on: October 19, 2007, 09:03:37 PM »


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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #67 on: October 19, 2007, 09:10:28 PM »
inverted send it to ron hickland of ebonite he'll tell ya its not the ball its you but then again he'll give you the same lecture on how ebonite is far superior than any other brand. Then hell tell you that they make there balls primarily for the tour players wich take up about 2% of there sales each year, but people aren't realizing that they could spend the same amount of money or in some cases a little less and buy a different brand that will last for a long time. I had a shift that i put over a 1000 games on it before i ever had to put it in a rejuvenate and it may have lost 3 or 4 boards of hook. I had a tnv and a one and had them a combine month and they like you said died


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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #68 on: October 19, 2007, 09:31:36 PM »
my thought is; if ebo & hammer are under the same umbrella, why would you switch to hammer?

just curious, no axe to grind...

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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #69 on: October 22, 2007, 02:56:06 PM »
My V2 Pearl when I sold it was still hooking a ton...a lot of taps though!

My Blue Violet Tornado still hooks pretty good too!  But doesn't fit my area shot!


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Re: All done with Ebo
« Reply #70 on: October 23, 2007, 05:36:55 PM »
Inverted Send it to me I told you I will try to help you out. I have one I know how good of a ball it is I dont believe crap about 20 games and they died I know better. when most people say 20 games its more like 200 games. I have alot of different brands of balls and know they all soak oil up they can be brought back to near original reaction that is fact it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see a ball in a rejuvenator watching oil come out of it perfusly for over an hour long to say hum i bet thats why it didnt react right. Clean and dull or anything else is not going to gett the oil out of the coverstock that is fact. Yes the total nv does absorb oil fast and lots of it so it needs to be done more often then some other balls to keep that reaction. Once rejuvenated you need to do a resurface to get it to a fresh part of the coverstock as well. By rejuvenate I dont mean ebo hook again crap I mean heat that is the only way to get the oil out plain and simple.