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Author Topic: angular one covers all!  (Read 2580 times)


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angular one covers all!
« on: November 03, 2006, 04:05:11 PM »
I guess by reading the ads for this ball and watching the vids it seems like Ebonite feels this ball can cover all lane conditions except for maybe bone dry.

Hell just buy 3 of these balls and drill them all the same.  Just change the cover grits and cover everything.  Now that's not a bad approach.
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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2006, 01:41:13 PM »
I agree with you guys to a point.  I feel this ball will not work on lighter oil unless one were to use a delayed reaction type polish.  Other than the lighter oil I don't see what else would stop this approach?

I do feel that a bowler could use 3 of the same ball but change the cover grit and cover almost every condition that they would see.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 01:53:29 PM »
I'd have to agree, not that it will necessarily cover true heavy or true light, rather everything in between.  When one has such a strong asymetric core they can pretty much drill it to hook and flare a ton, or have very little flare.  Throw in the fact that the cover is strong, and can be sanded with good results, despite what some feel about sanding pearls, and you have a very versitile ball.  

The weakness I figure this ball will have won't be that dependent on volume, rather length of the pattern.  The ball will really take off when encountering dry, if the dry occurs too early the reaction will be too early, if the pattern is too long the reaction will be too long.  Obviously a ball that is very even will work the best on such a shot, but I feel that this is also a test of how well a ball will sell, how well it can maintain versitility through both volume and length changes.  

The Black Widow for instance, has enough drilling options to handle everything, add the fact that it is a solid that while being clean through the heads certainly adds to its appeal.  It is angular yet still maintains a level of control.
four fried chickens and a coke[/size=4]

Let me say something, let me say something...


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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 02:16:27 PM »
Well chitown, I agree with you that you could use three of the same ball to cover all lane conditions... just not this one.  I have the ball, I've thrown it on a couple different conditions (review to follow) and it's very, very strong in oob condition and you cannot bring the finish to a higher grit than 4000 (can you?).  It's a med/heavy ball in box condition that works on fresh mediums, but no less than that.  I'll explain a bit more in my review.
you may score higher than me, but i'm a better bowler.

in the sack...
soup = morich weapon of mass bias
heavy = ebonite big one
medium/heavy = ebonite angular one
medium = morich seek & destroy (2000 abralon w/ ebonite particle polish)
med/light-light = ebonite crossfire
toast = columbia white dot

Bud I have never thrown this ball.  So I don't know if it could handle everything or not.  You have so I give you the benefit of the doubt.  I'm just going by the vid.  I do agree with you that not all balls will be able to do this but some can.

I have a Raw Hammer Pain that could probably handle everything with the correct cover grits.  I also had 4 Raw Hammer Dooms that I did this same approach with except I had different layouts on 2 of them.  I had great success with the Dooms at a tourney in Cinci.

Now i'm not saying this is the only way to build an arsenal but it's not a bad approach.  If you bowl in a ton of tourney's then different balls would be to ones advantage.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!

Edited on 11/4/2006 3:28 PM


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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2006, 02:47:31 PM »
Can't go any higher than 4000+ polish

Show me that USBC rule....................

You can put as little surface on as you want.

Nothing like goofing others up with incorrect info...
MoRich Core Tech Member


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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2006, 04:32:51 PM »
I guess my worthless point just pointed out your incorrect information. But then again who actually needs or wants accurate information. You pooh-poohed on your own yourself. I have seen 8000 on a WMB and I can get to 12000. My addition to this is that you should be following, not trying to lead. I drill bowling balls, you????
MoRich Core Tech Member


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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2006, 12:55:35 AM »
I did answer you question. Please reread and I accept your apology in advance........

Also, I see according to your profile, you "throw" the ball. Your coach allows you to throw a bowling ball?? May I suggest you "roll" it instead. This tip will help break out of the 180's, I promise.

Keep learning lorok....
MoRich Core Tech Member


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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2006, 02:51:14 PM »
I thought the same thing. Glad that you can admit it!
MoRich Core Tech Member


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Re: angular one covers all!
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2006, 02:56:59 PM »
Kids kids, let's stop fighting here. Now back to the point of this topic..

So far from what i've seen from the Angular One is this. On wood lanes throwing the ball right on the oil, it just ignores it, and hooks right off it. On a 10 x 10 pattern all i have to say is this ball kills. On a medium oil shot, it hooks very nice, with a perfect reaction that i love. I hope some of this helps, i can't describe it any better than "awesome reaction!"
Formerly known as Hammer33
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Edited on 11/5/2006 3:48 PM