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Author Topic: Angular One. First time out.*update*  (Read 11436 times)

Greg T

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Angular One. First time out.*update*
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:07:32 AM »
Well, drilled up close to #1 layout, took it to the lanes, and commenced to throwing a dart. Lanes were oiled last night and had the high school practice on them and thats it. No league. The ball would start up about midlane and make a very slight and mellow curve to the pins. No hook, no angle. Acted pretty much like a Maxim. Spun the gloss off with 1000 grit and took it back to the lanes. A bit stronger in the midlane and no backend hook. Still mellow and smooth.

With the OOB I was standing 25, targeting 12, swing to about 6 or 7. With 1000 grit I was standing 30, targeting 15, out to 8. Not very impressive at all. I am going to reserve judgement until I throw on a fresh shot. We'll see, but for now, not a happy camper.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!!

Edited on 11/22/2006 9:54 PM Off-Ramp!           



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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2006, 06:15:35 AM »
if you could, post a small video clip of what the angular one is doing.
Storm Paradigm Passion
Storm Eraser Ragin' Banshee
Lane#1 Uranium Buzzsaw
Lane#1 Crystal Diamond

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2006, 07:12:01 AM »
if you could, post a small video clip of what the angular one is doing.
Storm Paradigm Passion
Storm Eraser Ragin' Banshee
Lane#1 Uranium Buzzsaw
Lane#1 Crystal Diamond

   I wish I could post a vid, but my only camera is a VHS . I'm sure that if I slowed it down it would hook, but thats not what I had in mind. I guess I could try around an 800 grit, but the deeper you go the earlier it moves. This ball was billed as long and strong but all I can get is very early and weak. Very weak. I'm certainly not blaming the ball or Ebonite because I have seen the vids. Of course, lane conditions can be laid out to make the ball reaction you want to convey. I just don't believe that Ebonite would do this.

  As far as the high school team goes, I'm not sure who they are and how they throw, but when my kids was on the team a few years back they leaned the proper way to bowl and played rather deep in the oil. I'm still not discounting the ball becauase i have not tried it on fresh lanes. My concern is that this reaction may happen after just a game or two of league. I actually bought this ball to be stronger than my Big One because with our conditions I normally have to play a track shot. This is not my A game. I really like to stand about 35, target 15 to about 8 and have the breakpoint at about 40 to 45 feet. Right now I am at 25 targeting 12 with my Big One. So this will give you an indication of the amount of oil we are dealing with. Basically, we have an ocean 10 to 10 and an out-of-bounds from 10 out. Length is about 40 or 41 feet. I'm not certain on that.

  I did say I had another pearl ball, the Savage Flip, but that was a few years back when the pattern was different. Still, I couldnt throw it. On that iol I had great success with a V2 strong/R and the V2 power. I still have a V2 power that will knock the socks off of this Angular. The problem is it is just too early for my liking. For now, thats what I have to throw.

  Smash8, I may just sell this to you. Onlt three games and been knocked down to about 1000 grit. Make me an offer and dont insult me.

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2006, 07:33:04 AM »
Greg- I had the same issues with the D/T Threshold.  It looks great going down the lane and then boom.... nothing.  It's quite frustrating.  Unfortunately I think you need to place the bomb in a stronger position.  I know exactly how you feel, excited to get out on the lanes and you throw it for the first time and you feel empty as you watch it skate 55 ft.

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2006, 07:38:43 AM »
Greg- I had the same issues with the D/T Threshold.  It looks great going down the lane and then boom.... nothing.  It's quite frustrating.  Unfortunately I think you need to place the bomb in a stronger position.  I know exactly how you feel, excited to get out on the lanes and you throw it for the first time and you feel empty as you watch it skate 55 ft.

  At this point I'm lost as to which way the bomb should go. Especially when this one is drilled exactly as my orginal One was drilled. That had MASSIVE backend. I could put it closer to the thumb, but that wont make much difference. It's only about 2 3/4" away from the thumb now.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2006, 08:45:33 AM »
For me it is pin above bridge, bomb at 40*, cg is right of grip and a weight hole 4.5" right of grip center and 1" up. Taken back to 3/4 oz positive. Rolls nice, revs up good, flares really well, and lays there like an egg. But, now that I think about it, I couldnt throw a Savage flip very well either. I think the common denominator here is a pearl coverstock.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!!

Whats your axis,track diameter and tilt also whats your span? Maybe a long shot but im thinking that weight hole may be your nemisis here. depending on your stats you may have a flare reduceing hole inside of your pap/val. This would make the ball do what your saying rev up flare ontop of its flare rings and pretty much hit flat. Just an idea and maybe worth looking at. Take a few pieces of white thumb tape and map your flare rings and pap and see what is really going on. Look for the dark lines on the tap and see actualy how far the ball is flareing and watch the pap tape as it transitions down lane and report back on what you find.


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2006, 08:47:56 AM »
On a side note I had a hammer viscous reactive pearl that I laid out similar and put a weight hole inside of my pap 1-1/2 above my midline in the finger quadrant and that thing rolled similar to your angular one. Looked good through out the lane and then puked at the pocket with no drive.

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2006, 09:13:56 AM »
My track has lowered this year for some reason and I havent had the time to analyze it. My pap WAS 5 over 1/4^, but this year my track has dropped about an inch lower than last year. I've made no span or grip changes as i am using some equipment that I drilled last season and that, too, has a lower track now. Since I havent had the time to analyze I can speculate my pap at about 4 3/4 over and 1/2^ this year because of the track change. I know this isnt precise but I just havent had the time to map everything out this year. But, it is close enough for me to drill my most popular layouts. I am able to vary from 30* to 60* by changing my hand postion and release. I have attempted various releases to no avail. I am going to try to find some time on the lanes to remap my entire release and ball track, but it's difficult here because there is only one house with leagues most nights and quarter mania on the off nights. I will try this week.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2006, 09:33:20 AM »
whats your rev rate?

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2006, 09:49:38 AM »
whats your rev rate?

   I can vary it considerably. Never had a way to calculate it accurately, but I can stroke it or become a tweener. Dont like cranking and wont do it.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2006, 09:50:46 AM »
Sounds like you have the weight hole close to your axis so it might not be it. Wait and see what happens we you get on some fresh, maybe it was just a horrible pair that night and all is well. I had a guy this last tuesday bowling beside me throwing his new angular one and couldnt help notice he had a horrible reaction with it. He would go from pocket to wash out to hitting the 1 pin in the face. He is a very good bowler who has a extensive resume of tourny wins and regional finishes but looked like a typical league bowler with this ball. He loves ebonite stuff but was pissed at the way the ball was rolling for him. I didnt have time to really talk to him much but he did say he had a bad reaction with every thing he had so I suggested a particle pearl to blend out the lane some and went on my way. Maybe the ball is just touchy to oil. I dont know, the jury is still out on this lol.


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2006, 09:58:10 AM »
It could be the way the ball is laid out for you as well.  Pin over bridge normally means some distance from your pap.  From what I know (which is not alot) anything greater that 5 in away from your PAP will tend to weaken the reaction of the ball.  Just a Thought


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2006, 10:00:18 AM »
Also I was going to say call ebonite and tell them what you think and whats going on. Had a problem with a customer last week who bought a no mercy. He hated the ball and requested his money back. A quick call to a hammer rep and all wa taken care of and he  got a different ball in exchange no charge. Might be a shot at getten your money back is what I am saying.

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2006, 10:04:16 AM »
Well Greg, i guess you have enough hand to keep it revving all the way down the lane so that's not the problem.  What you are describing though is exactly what i saw when i watched all the other guys throw it, NO SNAP AT ALL!  I think it's working as intended for you...  Do your self a favor Greg, play smart, not harder.


  It's definately revving into the pocket, and thats where I think the problem is. With my normal, comfortable ball speed it never gets the chance to grip the lane. I can vary my ball speed considerably but my comfort shot is about 18 mph. Yes, I can get the ball to hook at a much slower speed, but never is it angular. It is a slow but steady bend to the pocket. It hits like a freight train when it hits the pocket. But, the trajectory is no where near angular. As I said, I'll try some fresh lanes, and maybe even 500 grit if necessary. But so far, it is a huge disappointment. And, i wont buy another ball this season.


Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #29 on: November 16, 2006, 11:47:29 AM »
The smart thing to do is sell that piece, cut your losses, and get the ball you thought you were going to get with the AO.  Why make yourself suffer needlessly?  All i see for you if you don't is a couple months of frustration, fighting with a ball that just doesn't live up to it's name.  Come on Greg, turn that frown upside down and put the fun back in bowling, BUY THE WIDOW!!!

   Well, I might, for the right price. But I wont "give it away". If I dont get a good offer on it I'll give it to ont of my kids.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2006, 12:23:33 PM »
The bomb at 40 degrees with this fast spin time MB is going to make it spin up quick and hit like poo, unless you are Jason Couch.  For guys that want to see big angle out of these "super asymmetrical" balls that spin up under 6 seconds, I wouldn't recommend going any father than 70deg on the MB.

It's not that the ball is burning up, but the mass bias is spinning up to its Perferred Spin Axis so fast that it breaks tilt halfway down the lane and doesn't continue in the backend. Imagine throwing a hamster ball and hooking it to the left but the hamster inside is running and spinning the wheel inside in the opposite direction. Same type of effect. I would either try a plug and redrill and go with the MB around 75 degrees with the same pin position. Or sell it for 65% of what you paid for it and try something else.
