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Author Topic: Angular One. First time out.*update*  (Read 11434 times)

Greg T

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Angular One. First time out.*update*
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:07:32 AM »
Well, drilled up close to #1 layout, took it to the lanes, and commenced to throwing a dart. Lanes were oiled last night and had the high school practice on them and thats it. No league. The ball would start up about midlane and make a very slight and mellow curve to the pins. No hook, no angle. Acted pretty much like a Maxim. Spun the gloss off with 1000 grit and took it back to the lanes. A bit stronger in the midlane and no backend hook. Still mellow and smooth.

With the OOB I was standing 25, targeting 12, swing to about 6 or 7. With 1000 grit I was standing 30, targeting 15, out to 8. Not very impressive at all. I am going to reserve judgement until I throw on a fresh shot. We'll see, but for now, not a happy camper.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!!

Edited on 11/22/2006 9:54 PM Off-Ramp!           



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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2006, 12:28:58 PM »
I am with DP3 on this one, i have had a few different one's and big one's if the mb is in the stronger positions they have no energy retention left. I was just talking about taller core balls with my driller, he with his higher rev rate basically burns up the energy before the pin deck. Me a medium lower rev rate can use these core design with good results if i keep the mb in 70 degree plus area. If the core stands up too quickly it is a done deal no matter what surface you put on it, you might find better patterns that it will work better but overall i find that the one core needs a longer mb to pap. I tried a one with the mb on the val it rolled at my feet and was totally dead on impact, so maybe you need to swing the mb towards your thumb or even under the thumb.

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2006, 12:49:26 PM »
I can do that. I'm just skeptical, I guess, because I find it hard to believe that moving the MB 1" or 1.5" at best is going to make a drastic difference. This will be my next attempt if the fresh lanes dont work out. I cant use it the way it is so filling it with plug will be no big deal. I find it very strange that the layout preferred by Ebonite can be that ugly.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2006, 01:41:57 PM »
I'm with DP3 on this one.  I bet the ball has just "spun up" off your hand and that's why it's fizzing downlane.  These super strong asymms need to have the MB at weaker angles the higher your rev count.  For example, I had a Black Widow that I laid out exactly like a Classic Zone.  5.5" below fingers with MB at 55*.  Black Widow reved up too quickly and had less backend. Just wasn't the reaction I wanted so I sold it and drilled another.  Same pin position but MB is at 75* (thanks to John Gaines on that).  Ball is a different animal.  Still same midlane but backend and continuation is doubled.

I have an Angular drilled identically.  We'll see how it reacts tonight.


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2006, 01:56:32 PM »
Or... there was just massive carry down on the lanes.. Did you by chance throw any of your other equipment to "guage" the reaction?  Its amazing what semi-clean backends can do for a ball reaction...


Joe Theismann idiot quote of the week:
"Carolina's 5-4 mark gives them the third best record in the NFC"
Unfortunately, Carolina is in a four-way tie with Philadelphia, Dallas, and Atlanta for the fifth-best record.


Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2006, 02:08:01 PM »
Or... there was just massive carry down on the lanes.. Did you by chance throw any of your other equipment to "guage" the reaction?  Its amazing what semi-clean backends can do for a ball reaction...


Joe Theismann idiot quote of the week:
"Carolina's 5-4 mark gives them the third best record in the NFC"
Unfortunately, Carolina is in a four-way tie with Philadelphia, Dallas, and Atlanta for the fifth-best record.

  There was a ton of carry down. That I'm sure of because I know the house and we have a flood every night. Thats why I'm waiting for next wednesday for a fresh pair. Then we'll see.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2006, 02:08:42 PM »
that Jzero is a mature poster...sounds a lot like a 35 year old man at times!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2006, 02:25:59 PM »
that Jzero is a mature poster...sounds a lot like a 35 year old man at times!



Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2006, 02:44:14 PM »
OH!   I think he is a bowler AND a golfer!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2006, 02:47:37 PM »
OH!   I think he is a bowler AND a golfer!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

   Hope he buys American built clubs. I would hate to see the business go to China!!

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2006, 03:03:53 PM »

You would be surprised at what 1-2" with pin and MB placement will have on a ball's reaction.  An Ebonite staffer here that owns his own shop, he almost ALWAYS drills the One Series stuff with the MB no farther than and inch or away from the thumb.  I have yet to see a single one of these balls puke.  Secondly, boomtown was off on his remark that longer pin distances "weaken" a balls reaction.  Not true.  It makes the ball want to push farther which tends to retain energy for bigger backend reactions.  It is actually the exact opposite.  Pins closer to the PAP (3 inches and under) weaken the reaction.  Dont give up on the ball yet.  With an 18 mph ball speed with average rev rate on ALOT of carrydown, not the best match up for that ball.  You would have been best suited with an Infinite at 500 abralon.  

If you were to consider plugging and redrilling the Angular, I would suggest pin up, above and slightly to the right of the ring finger (4 3/8 - 4 1/2 from PAP) top get the ball revving faster, and the cg stacked underneath. Stacked drillings tend to offer the most hook capablities and various distances down the lane (5 x 5 will go long and kick really hard, 4 3/8 stacked will give you excellent midlane and continuation at the breakpoint, 3 1/2 stacked will give you most flare potential).  Just a thought to help you out and hope everything works out for you whatever to decide to do.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator

If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #41 on: November 16, 2006, 03:15:28 PM »
I find that mb's over .010 for me work best with pin placements of 4 - 5 pin to pap and mb near or maybe 1 inch right of my thumb always work best. For me the ball revs harder and unleashes its energy on the backend of the lane, i have tried mb strong positions and have rarely found a ball i like with this setup. I had the standard drilling you are talking about pin over bridge and mb strong on the One it was one of the worst over under balls i have ever used. I sold it retried another the one with my favorite mb ball layout and now love the one series, i have a One, 2 infinite's and a big one all with this layout. This layout for me has worked on anything i have tried it on, pin over ring and pin under ring, with higher mb keeping the energy is paramount too make it a good to great ball reaction.

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #42 on: November 16, 2006, 03:23:39 PM »
I am very well versed on the pin placements and such as far as reactions go. I, too, like the 5" pin high, MB just right of the thumb. But this time I decided to take Ebo's recomendation and go a little further with it. It would be a simple thing to slide it over to about an inch from thumb and put the weight hole below the pap a bit. I may end up doing that, but i will try fresh lanes first.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2006, 04:07:20 PM »
I too found that mine is angular. 180 degrees angular. I hit the surface with the abralon pad provided but didn't see any difference. I'll take try more surface tomorrow.
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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #44 on: November 16, 2006, 04:50:05 PM »
Ihave a no mercy also and i thought it was due to damage,but i also notice that with less speed you get a much different reaction from the ball. It doesnt burn up because you can swing it when the lanes break down,but you definetly have to stroke it . Maybe it and the angular are the same in this respect. You cant take the hand out of it though you have to hit it but keep the speed down . And thats hard for me. I shot this past weekend on a very wet shot and there was a lady using the nm and with slow speed the ball hooked like a monster where mine wouldnt wrinkle
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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #45 on: November 17, 2006, 02:02:42 PM »
2Hand, thank you for clarifying what I didn't say very well.  I didn't mean that the reaction would be lost, only that it wouldnt start as early.  GregT it almost has to be something with the way it's drilled for you.  I saw the Angular One in action last night and it was pretty much Left Turn Clyde at the breakpoint.  My D/T Threshold acts the same way, but I have also seen others use it and it looks like a completely different ball.  I would say plug and redrill if the fresh shot doesn't work.  Surface changes didn't work for me either.