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Author Topic: Angular One. First time out.*update*  (Read 11437 times)

Greg T

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Angular One. First time out.*update*
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:07:32 AM »
Well, drilled up close to #1 layout, took it to the lanes, and commenced to throwing a dart. Lanes were oiled last night and had the high school practice on them and thats it. No league. The ball would start up about midlane and make a very slight and mellow curve to the pins. No hook, no angle. Acted pretty much like a Maxim. Spun the gloss off with 1000 grit and took it back to the lanes. A bit stronger in the midlane and no backend hook. Still mellow and smooth.

With the OOB I was standing 25, targeting 12, swing to about 6 or 7. With 1000 grit I was standing 30, targeting 15, out to 8. Not very impressive at all. I am going to reserve judgement until I throw on a fresh shot. We'll see, but for now, not a happy camper.

Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!!

Edited on 11/22/2006 9:54 PM Off-Ramp!           


DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2006, 06:59:08 AM »
Flip Side...I use the AO on oil an ddry.. I prefer the Oil due to stronger release and speed. The dry was phenom with huge driving motion of the break.... The oil deal is i stayed soft with motion but carried lights out.

300  AO
228.....Should have read the transition better

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Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2006, 12:47:40 PM »
Greg don't listen to em listen to me for your ball to get drilled up correctly takes someone to know your game very well and someone who can treat you right as a customer if you use your own precision of judgement that can lead you to no where I used to be that way for 2 years but for now I'm averaging close between 180 to 190 I got out of my last years slump. Also listen this is important make sure someone can video tape you to see what your ball is doing and what you are doing also.
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  No one knows my game better than I. Thats why I punch my own holes,


Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!! Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #48 on: November 19, 2006, 01:10:24 PM »
 The pro shop operator at the lanes I use drilled up a Strike Zone for a very good consistent bowler at our house.It wasn't quite finishing. After looking at the ball,they relaized that with the style of bowler,he needed the Mb to be closer to the thumb----same thing you're looking at.
 Could I also respectfully suggest moving the Mb marking closer to the thumb and seeing what happens??????????/
 Either way,keep us posted..................
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2006, 02:03:34 PM »
That is something that is in the back of my mind. I have to try the fresh lanes first to evaluate the the actual rection of the ball before I just into a plug job. The lanes I tested on were like ice. We normally have an ocean out there on a fresh shot, and the oil is rather viscous. So, as it carries down, the heads dont really burn up. The oil is just distributed down the lane and the entire lane becomes an icerink. So, before I do anything else with the ball I have to try fresh lanes. Unfortunealy, that wont be until Wed. I will post my findings, and whatever changes I make with surface or layout. It's good to share with everyone what COULD happen to any given ball/style conflicts. Off-Ramp!           

Greg T

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Re: Angular One. First time out.*update*
« Reply #50 on: November 22, 2006, 09:08:17 PM »
Fresh lanes + Angular One = happiness. Although, not quite the hook moster I thought it was going to be, it is quite a piece. Very good carry on our crap, drenched lanes that are notorious for 10 pins. And, the hitting power was unmatched. I cant believe the CRACK this ball makes when you flush the pocket. So, I'll be leaving the surface at about 2000 grit and the layout will remain. Great job, Ron Hickland and Ebonite.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion. And I will discriminate against no one. Off-Ramp!