Some folks should take a physics class. FACT: A balance hole above pap and/or between pap and GC will reduce flare. WHY? Because you're removing weight from a certain part of the ball. FACT: Drilling a weight hole past the pap and/or below the pap will increase flare. FACT: Reducing flare makes the ball less aggressive in the fron part of the lane and stores more energy for the backend. FACT: Increasing the flare will make the ball move sooner and have a less angular look. How does all this happen? The holes arent magic, my friends. It's the weight!! Moving the weight on a sphere in motion has a pronounced effect on the tragectory. Like it or not, it's here to stay. It's physics 101. AND, the faster the revs, the more pronounced the effects will be because of centrifugal force. With the right amount of revs you make 1/4 ounce look like 2 ounces. Now, you can disagree all you like, but it wont change physics. And, as long as ball companies are making stronger cores the effects will keep getting stronger too. WHY? Because if you drill the proper weight hole you are changing the shape and balance of the core. Not that difficult, folks.
Michael Jacksons schrie Lieblingsfudgeverpacker über meine letzte Unterzeichnung. So jetzt, muß sie zensiert werden!!
Ebonite xcel pearl for sale. NIB: