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Author Topic: Angular One problems  (Read 4554 times)


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Angular One problems
« on: December 18, 2006, 01:21:40 PM »
I've been holding off on this to try and work on it but so far no luck.

I picked up an Angular One last week and had it drilled pin over bridge, mb in the strong position.  My usual layout since I was unsure of the reaction.  I brought it back to legal weight with an x-hole on my VAL about 2 inches from my PAP.  Basically the same layout as my Xcel Pearl which has been great for me.

Ball is still in box condition-since I've been hesitant to jump on cover adjustments just yet.

Here's the issue.  Playing straight down and in this ball rocks.  Carries great, hits like a truck and is nice and controllable.

I was hoping for a bit more versatility...but am having issues with a couple things.  

1.  When playing any sort of swing the ball comes in weak.  I've played on a variety of shots and I get the same reaction...the ball makes it to the breakpoint, but instead of driving through the pindeck it rolls up.  I still strike, but not with the same pin reaction as playing straight up.  The pins tend to just fall over with late taps.  I've tried a number of things but can't seem to get the ball to be continuous through the pin deck.  The only thing I can think of that the ball is burning up in the back end.

2.  When I hit dry board on the outside...the ball dies.  My SR300 is smooth off the same point and rolls to pocket.  The Xcel jumps off it like someone kicked it.  The Angular One grabs, turns, and dies.  Again, maybe just burning up in the backend.

Nothing against this's great for playing straight up, but I can't figure out why I can't get the reaction I want when trying to cover more boards.

Thanks in advance



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Re: Angular One problems
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2006, 10:57:25 PM »

I much appreciate your insight, I have several others, including balls from the "One" lineup...all of which have the MB in a strong position. sum up a few things:  THS is changing tomorrow night.  Supposedly LOTS of oil.  I'm going to give it a go again and wear in a few more games onto this cover and see if it "wakes up" like a few of my other Ebonite balls.  If not...then I will take it down to 2000grit as advised.

Again...this ball is NOT a dud for me.  It plays absolutely great up the boards.  I'm just trying to get the best of both worlds.  Oh wells...tomorrows a new day and I am looking forward to giving it another go.

Thanks to everyone who has provided input thus far!


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Re: Angular One problems
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2006, 12:25:24 AM »
Leave surface OOB and hit the back flares with scotch brite pad.  The shine will give it length and when it hits the backend with that surface change, the ball will go left really quick....
Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

Philipp Hudak
Ebonite Amateur Staff
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Re: Angular One problems
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2006, 01:24:20 AM »

four fried chickens and a coke[/size=4]

Let me say something, let me say something...


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Re: Angular One problems
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2006, 10:47:55 AM »
Just a minor update:

Went to league night last night. They had changed the shot again.
35ft top hat pattern.  Dry boards the outside...flooded middle.

Everyone had trouble playing straight up trying to get their equipment to hook.  Lots of washouts and lots of splits.  During practice I tried opening up the lanes...the ball still won't flip (just skidding...naturally).

I played straight up the track line around the 6-7 board and the ball just came screaming back.  I had SO much area that the ball would recover from.  I'd go soft on the release and the ball would leaving a 10 pin.  I'd pull it and it would hold line.  I'd swing it out to the gutter and it would bounce back without rolling out.  I'd say I could pretty  much playing anywhere within 10 boards and leave decent count. So while everyone was way under average struggling to get their ball to the pocket...I was slightly over average.  (Had some separate issues-but that's another story).

I still haven't worn in a track line, and didn't try and swing it yet.  I will give it a few more games to wear in.  This ball is taking a while to get a track worn in...but it seems to be getting stronger in the backend recovery the more games I put on it.

Till next time...have a happy holiday!


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Re: Angular One problems
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2006, 11:04:13 AM »
well im not going to read what everyone else has said but the big problem with this ball is with tweeners but mostly crankers. When the ball hits the dry it rolls out and hits very weak. Take the cover down a bit and speed up a bit thats what i did and the ball stopped rolling out.

hope this helped
