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Author Topic: Angular One? Versatile?  (Read 984 times)


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Angular One? Versatile?
« on: January 08, 2007, 11:13:28 AM »
Well I've been looking into this ball since its came out and haven't seen to many complaints in my area. So I'm thinking about giving it a try, but how versatile is this ball? Is it good on sport shots? I'm a tournament bowler and want to get good read on sport patterns as well as THS. Is this ball to "angular" for general sport patterns? I use my original "The One" on an array of sport patterns and house shots and LOVE it. How would it compare to it?

Thanks in advance


Edited on 1/8/2007 8:36 PM


leftehh- LG

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Re: Angular One? Versatile?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2007, 08:15:01 PM »
well sport shots such a broad word to say, some sport patterns can hook, some can skid, some can be tricky from pair to pair, it all depends on the type of pattern. As for the angular one, I for one would say you could make this work on a lot of conversions because of the versatile. 4000 pad + polish this ball will skid, and then flip with the right backends. Scuffed down to 2000 or more this ball can hang with a lot of other highend rolly equipment. this ball can do a lot of stuff so if you chose this ball I'd think you wouldnt be disappointed.
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Re: Angular One? Versatile?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2007, 10:52:16 AM »
Personally this would not be my ball of choice for tough lane conditions.  However if you use a specific type of drill layout for these types of patterns it would work a lot better.

See the Angular one is a beast on the back end.  With this ball being that strong in the back end it will make it tough to control on difficult patterns.  Now on house shots it's another story.  This ball will crush fresh house patterns.
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