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Author Topic: Another Complete NV topic  (Read 2808 times)


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Another Complete NV topic
« on: February 11, 2008, 08:51:38 AM »
I'm getting one drilled up later this week. I have medium everything... ball speed, track, revs. I've seen a few people throw it this last week, and it seems to get down the lane a little too far. It pops pretty good, but comes in a little behind the headpin as if it's reading the lane too late. They all have it drilled with the pin above the fingers, a little further from the PAP. I need something thats gonna read a little earlier in the midlane, and was thinking about dropping the pin down a little bit or closer to my PAP. Any thoughts on this? Either layout 2 or 3 according to the Ebonite layout page is what I'm thinking.



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Re: Another Complete NV topic
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 05:07:07 PM »
Thanks.. I appreciate your feedback on this.  I probably will have a lower pin and take it from there.  If I have to change something, it's not a big deal.  I was just wondering if anyone has drilled it to get an early read, hoping to get an early idea of what to expect.  As with everything, it's only a game and it's trial and error.


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Re: Another Complete NV topic
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 07:53:12 PM »
I have my drilled with the pin over fingers or bridge.  It is the same drilling I have on my NVS and I get a wonderful roll with great back end.  I have only used it twice so I will post more at this week when I use in league on Friday Night.

Edited on 2/11/2008 8:54 PM


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Re: Another Complete NV topic
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2008, 10:35:37 PM »
Used a pin over ring 4 3/4 pin to pap and 5 inch mb to pap tonight, ball motors through the heads and then never quits through the pins. If anything too much ball even oob for most house shots, remember pin high reacts much faster to friction than a same pin down drill. especially with strong mb balls like the complete, when it breaks it never stops turning. I tried my break pearl tonight with a pin down drilling and almost same mb position, the break pearl was at least 8-10 baords weaker. i think the break pearl is way to shiny oob i tried to break the surface with a 2k and it was still gleaming, maybe after some spinner work it might change things but for now at least 8-10 boards less raw power.


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Re: Another Complete NV topic
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 07:26:17 PM »
The pin on my ball is about 2/3 of an inch below my ring finger, and this setup seems to work well most of the time, except on the very heavy oils. To get an earlier reaction on these days, lately ive used burgundy scotch brite to rough up the ball surface a bit, but that is usually only necesary on the heaviest of oil.


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Re: Another Complete NV topic
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2008, 01:27:18 PM »
Adjust roll by adding surface if your drilling goes a little too long.

If you're worried about the ball sliding too much, use a shorter pin to pap distance.

For someone witl medium everything who wants a lot of pop at the end, I'd probaably use a 50 degree drilling angle, pin to pap of 4.5 and a pap to val angle of 30 degrees.

That should give you a stronger midlane roll with a quicker transition once encountering oil.

From there, just adjust surface.

Great advice!

I'm pretty much the poster child for medium everything and a tweener. Pin above the bridge and in between the fingers go really long for me and snap at the end of the oil pattern for pearls. Surface adjustment should take care of this. I start at 2000 abralon and work my way down until I got the look I wanted.
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Re: Another Complete NV topic
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2008, 09:38:12 AM »
I have the Complete and I've got the pin basically in the center of my palm.  And I love it! It doesn't hook up too soon for me, its just right.  So I think your best bet would be to put the pin below the fingers.


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Re: Another Complete NV topic
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2008, 08:17:28 PM »
I'm a firm believer that pin down is the way to go on all the "one" "nv" series balls, those cores just seem to love that layout for most people. Myself being a med speed/rev player had a terrible time with my One, with a pin up drilling and really loved one that i threw with the pin under ring.

I tossed a CNV in league, teammate had just got one. I LOVED the reaction: went long, picked up a heavy roll, and made a very smooth transition on the back end. I want one It was drilled pin under bridge, with the mb in the flip position *slightly right of thumb*, cover was in box condition. FTW
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