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Author Topic: Any advice on afterburner  (Read 1741 times)


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Any advice on afterburner
« on: September 09, 2012, 05:30:52 PM »
Current Avg:197
Play up 2nd arrow
low revs
13-14 mph
 current ball is ebonite afterburner
15 lbs.

I play the second arrow and with med-heavy oil, my ball has a little trouble finishing strong.  What ball would you recommend, and what drill?  Is this ball drilled strong?  Any advice would be nice.

My strengths:  fairly accurate, open to suggestions
My weaknesses: Low revs, wrist injurie prevent much practice
Teacher and Chess coach from Cleveland, Ohio..Go Tribe!

Global 900 Protocol, Storm mostly


Impending Doom

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Re: Any advice on afterburner
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2012, 09:50:36 AM »

Not knowing your PAP (positive axis point), it's hard to tell. But, I will tell you this. I had an Afterburner (Loved it, by the way), and I found that the cover was very touchy, with it being a particle pearl. The surface was very important. If you've had it since around the time it came out, it's a good 10 years old.

If you want to keep it, I would recommend taking it to a pro shop, and having it resurfaced. With particles of that age, it's important to have the surface kept fresh.

If you want to get something with a similar motion, I can give you a couple of suggestions. By no means are they the only suggestions, but what I feel would fit the same motion with what I know.

Personally, in my bag, my AMF Clutch Pearl fits the same type of motion and look that my Afterburner did. You can find them on EBay for a steal.

Other balls would include a 900 Global Wisdom, or an AMF Grip shined up.

Hope this helps!