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Author Topic: any one notice this  (Read 937 times)


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any one notice this
« on: December 12, 2006, 11:14:28 AM »
well i went to comic bowling to other nite.  I noticed that when i took out my One.  the track was glowing purple.  i use storm reacta clean after i'm done.  so there isnt oil all over the ball.  but any one ever notice it.  I guess the Gb 10.7 does absorb a lot of oil.
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First League since i was a kid.

Ebonite- The One
Storm- Screamin Banshee



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Re: any one notice this
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2006, 09:05:56 PM »
that happens on every ball you get a track on...i clean my stuff after every tournament, league, or practice session, but if i go glow bowling i can see the track...just how it is
In the words of Will Powell, "Just one more rev Ryan and that seven would have been GONE!"