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Author Topic: Anyone change the surface of The One??  (Read 1843 times)


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Anyone change the surface of The One??
« on: March 16, 2006, 12:27:59 PM »
Me and another guy were talking about this today. Has anyone taken it down to 600 grit? If so what was it like? Shouldn't it handle more oil with a grit like that, instead of the factory 4000?
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Re: Anyone change the surface of The One??
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 08:48:21 PM »
I will tell you that once you change the 4000 surface of this ball, you will never get it back exactly like it was. Some may not agree with me but once I changed the surface of mine, I could never get it to react the same as it did when it was box finish..

I would keep it 4000 and use it for medium oil like its intended to be used.. Just buy the Big One for heavier oil shots and you have a great 2 ball combo..

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Re: Anyone change the surface of The One??
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 08:50:40 PM »
My buddy is getting one, and putting the pin under the fingers. What's a good surface for that drilling?
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Re: Anyone change the surface of The One??
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 08:51:34 PM »
I would keep it box finish, regardless of the drilling..

Thats just my opinion..
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Re: Anyone change the surface of The One??
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2006, 06:48:09 AM »
I have thrown my The One at 1000+polish (Black Magic XL), 2000+polish (Black Magic XL) and 4000+polish (Ebonite's Factory Finish polish) and have had varying degrees of success with each surface.  At 1000+polish the ball checked a little earlier and didn't quite make the corner as hard, but hooked the most overall of the three surfaces, at 2000+polish, the ball went a little longer and made a little more pronounced move on the backend, and at 4000+polish, the ball went the longest and made the most pronounced flip on the backend.  This is with the #1 layout on the ball (pin above bridge, MB swung out right, etc.)

I had drilled another The One with layout #3 (pin next to ring, CG/MB stacked, cover to 1000 grit abralon, no polish) and the ball just kinda rolled for me, didn't exactly give me a great reaction, but in the end it wasn't entirely bad either.  

I like jkiser's suggestion about the Big One, I have one of those as well, same layout as The One, but took the cover down to 1500 grit (white scotchbrite) and the reaction is pretty impressive.  The ball still goes downlane a little (basically, it doesn't hook at your toes), checks pretty hard in the midlane, and still makes the corner.  I like this surface prep a lot better than the box condition of the Big One (4000 grit abralon, no polish) because it allows the ball to read a little earlier, but still make the corner.  I am tempted to drill up another Big One to put a stronger drill on it and see how it reacts to that, but that's for another day.
Andrew Loose

1/2 of ABT's Finest

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Re: Anyone change the surface of The One??
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2006, 08:34:01 AM »
Fatboy8, how's it goin'? I changed my surface on The One to about 600-800 grit after 3 weeks just to see what would happen.

What I saw was a ball that read the mids a little better and is tamer on the backend in comparison to its' "snappy" characteristic in Out of Box surface polish.

If you want to see a difference, I made two videos. OOB Polished and when we scuffed the surface. They are in my profile with other videos or you can click on them here for a better look...

Ebonite The ONE Video in OOB Surface on 12/11/05:

Ebonite The ONE *600-800 Grit Scuffed* Video on 12/22/05:

Take care and hope this helps,

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Re: Anyone change the surface of The One??
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2006, 08:39:05 AM »
Ramtart-thanks for the vids bud! I'll send them to my buddy so he can come it.

Thanks for everybody that chimed in. He had a One before, and now is getting another and wanted to change it up some. This should help him out, thanks!
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