i think leaving out the nvd in leiu of striking motion would be a good idea. I hit Shark the other weekend and watched a couple ebo sponsored guys hook the SM where the rest of the field was pointing 15. there is room for both pin slasher and gamebreaker. those two balls go with me everywhere, they compliment each other very well. you need a lower end rxn. i rarely use low end equip due to hitting problems, ide rather drill a mid-ranger weak or throw some polish on an older peice.
mine goes like this...
SM for longer patterns
pin slasher step down
gamebreaker smooth for medium volumes and flatter oil
angular one (if you can find one) if not one pearl with MB close to the VAL to stop some of the over-under issues this will be sort of your benchmark. surface accordingly
pin slasher 2, with weak layout and a scosh of polish. i chose this b/c this ball takes surface adj great AND its core is strong enough to make a weak drilling effective
black bash with rico layout for when they get NASTY
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH