Approximate specs: 19 mph off hand, 570 rpm (rev dominant), tilt around 2-3 degrees, rotation usually around 50 degrees (can change it when needed).
Current main arsenal: Boost (1k-2k), Torrent (2k-3k), Mission (2k-1k polished), Wipe Out (4k-2k polished), Purple Pearl Urethane. I can explain a bit of my arsenal if needed. Adding a Lit above the Boost (for total shape and hook) and a Hy-Road under the Torrent and Mission replacement. I saw some comments about the Phenom Pearl not matching up as well as the Affinity for most people, but I don't know if it's strong enough in the midlane. I want a ball just as strong as the Torrent for this role, just a different shape.
I would also like 2 other ball recommendations as I will be looking to round out the arsenal as needed (shape wise). I bowl on sport more than house, so this isn't really about standing left throw right. I have my eye on a Turbo R as a Ride replacement (had it a few years ago as my short pin to PAP ball). Besides that and an replacing the Mission, open to thoughts.