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Author Topic: Ball help  (Read 1258 times)


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Ball help
« on: February 12, 2006, 05:48:57 PM »
Hey there everyone I have a question to ask everyone here in the ebonite section. I am doing a tournament in the summer called JOG and I am only alowed to bring 6 balls. You can look at my  profile to see what I have. I am going to drill a oil ball not sure what but I will figure that out later I would like to know if a overtime would fit into my arsenal. I like the way this ball rolls very midlane aggressive and I feel that is something that I am lacking at least very agressive. This was my idea for 6 balls to bring down from what I have
Oil ball (to be picked out later)
Road Hawg
I am thinking an over time for the fact that it is reactive resin and I can polish it if I need to get more lenght on it or sand it for a bit more oil because it should be stronger in the mid lane then any thing else i have I would like to say. Please if I am mistakin someone correct me and tell me why and make a suggestion on something to drill to fit in better and why. The one is out of the picture I am suggested no to drill it because it is too jerky off the break point for me as I was told. Thanks for all of your time to the people that have read my post.

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Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
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Re: Ball help
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 03:58:00 AM »
I think the Over Time would fit in there, but if you have the Xception, it would as well. IMO, the Over Time would be a stronger ball than the Xception, but if money is an issue and the Xception is drilled for you, if you like it, then it would fit as well.

That would be up to you and your knowledge of your Xception, IMO
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Ball help
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 07:36:28 PM »
bowler0821, you have what looks to me like a darn sweet arsenal already. Remember last year how they oiled.

Woodland - 42"
Expo - 39"
Western - 36"
I would bet that this year the patterns will be similar, modified sport shot, With speed and hand adjustments Your arsenal should pretty much cover anything you will see.

Strike Zone: Heavy oil ball
Paradigm: Medium-Heavy oil
Road Hawg: Medium
Mojo: Medium that will handle oil carry down
Screamin Banshee Light oil
Ice: Light to dry
Blue Dot: Spares

The Overtime would be a nice ball to have but I don't see where you have a glaring gap.

Just my thoughts, Tom


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Re: Ball help
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 11:47:05 PM »
thanks for all of the info and as for the xception it has been plugged quite a few times and has many games on it. Also the strike zone has many games on it as well might polish it to see what it is like lol

A Bowlers Life-
To bowl is to live. To live is to bowl.
Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
Forward Together Forward Never Forget
I have Huskie Pride, how about you?