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Author Topic: Best ball between a No Limit and Infinite one  (Read 1831 times)


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Best ball between a No Limit and Infinite one
« on: September 17, 2006, 01:41:44 PM »
Well league is off to an interesting start.  Last year I would guarantee you that the synthetic lanes would be a flood.  I then by a ball for that and guess what, they are now about a medium.  

So I start off with my No limit which handles the first game, game and a half, but as the oil pushes down, it is not nearly as effective. I don't even get the infinite out. I know I can change the surface of the infinite, but I bought it for oil and I'm sure as soon as I change it, we will see a flood again.

Anyway, I know that everyone has their opinions of certain balls, but I'm asking what everyone's thoughts are about a ball between these two.

I am thinking about a widow or a one but have no experience with either and have never seen a widow thrown.  Any suggestions would be great.



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Re: Best ball between a No Limit and Infinite one
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 11:46:09 PM »
Raw Hammer Pain?  Black Widow sounds good too.  Eugene McCune has been around pushing the BW.  He says it can be used on almost any condition and it reminds him of the original V2.  The only reason I haven't drilled one is because I like to be different and a ton of people are picking this one up.
Where is the bait?  I'm goin' to jail!!! - Chocolate GAYzer

Edited on 9/17/2006 11:39 PM


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Re: Best ball between a No Limit and Infinite one
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2006, 05:46:06 PM »
Thanks for the replies, here is another question.  I have heard the widow is less condition sensitive than the one, making it easier and more versatile.  Has anyone compared the two side by side just to see?



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Re: Best ball between a No Limit and Infinite one
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2006, 09:58:34 PM »
Out of the box it is hard to compare the two, as the widow is matte, and the One is 4000 polish.  From what I understand from your post, you're having some carry down problems.  Go with the Big One, drilled long and strong arc.  Shoud give you a couple of lines to play with when carrydown starts.  You can play outside/around the first arrow, or continue with the line you started with the NO Limit.

Hope this helped.




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Re: Best ball between a No Limit and Infinite one
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2006, 05:05:49 PM »
Out of the box it is hard to compare the two, as the widow is matte, and the One is 4000 polish. From what I understand from your post, you're having some carry down problems. Go with the Big One, drilled long and strong arc. Shoud give you a couple of lines to play with when carrydown starts. You can play outside/around the first arrow, or continue with the line you started with the NO Limit.

Hope this helped.

Yes, carry  down is the issue, Will the Big One be too much???


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Re: Best ball between a No Limit and Infinite one
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 11:15:53 PM »

I got two of the Big One.  One is drilled max hook potential, the other longer and strong arc.

The cover of the Big One is stonger than the One; the OOB finish is 4000 sanded; reading the other reviews regarding the One, you can get the impression of a lot of over/under (which is somewhat what is experienced with carrydown) for the people who posted.

given this I would go with the Big One.  Dioscuss your shot with your proshop for a compatible layout, and you should be good to go.
